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Registered: 03-29-2003
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Re: DROD News for 8/19/03 (0)
Actually, we have both Maple and MatLab in our laboratory...although I have only used Maple, mostly to do simple calculations. When I wanted to do some numerical integration I found it easier to go up to the department's computer room and use the Mathematica up there. Some of the other grad students in our lab use fact one of them was able to reproduce my LabView calculations exactly, which was good.
As for LabView...well, it of course isn't really intended for use as an actual calculating machine, but is really for interfacing with electronics. That was how I first learned to use it--I had to modify a LabView program to work with my electronics. There are two main parts to LabView--the Panel, where you interact with the program while it is running, and the Diagram, where you write the program. The Panel is nice, of course, and can be very versatile--I was able to view graphs of my calculations in real time, instantly switch the magnetic field on with one click, change parameters without rewriting anything, etc. I am sure this can be done with MatLab but possibly not as easy as LabView. The behind-the-scenes area, the Diagram, is nice because you can tell what is happening at a glance. Sure, some things are actually more complicated in LabView than in a text-based program, but when you have two functions connected by a line, it's pretty easy to tell what is going on. LabView is also especially nice for experimentalists, because the functions are connected by basically "wiring" everything up. Most functions are also pre-written...for example, there was a diagonalization function there already, just like in a math program. And interfacing with electronics is pretty easy, since once you have the right driver it's pretty easy to send commands or read data.
I know that new versions of LabView can at least interface with MatLab...interfacing with C++ is probably also available, although I never looked into it. And yes, case blocks can be silly at times, but remember the programming is based on the "wiring" of values to functions, and it's not easy to make an "if" statement without having graphically being able to wire something into the true/false indicator and also being able to set up two separate outcomes. A nice, clean, program can look really elegant, and you would be amazed at how much can be done with a few boxes and lines.
I think programming in LabView should really only be of interest to experimentalists, although I was able to use it for more...frivolous activities. For example, I had a bunch of MP3s whose titles were in the format Song Title -- Group Name.mp3. I wanted to change them to Group Name - Song Title.mp3, and so I wrote a LabView program to rename the files. I am sure that it could be easily done some other way, but I used what I knew. When I was in elementary school I was a Logo whiz, and I could get by in BASIC, but that was all until college when I took a quick Computer Interfacing class which taught us C. I didn't use LabView until grad school.
Anyway, I am not sure if I even answered your questions well, but I am rambling now so that will have to do. If you want you can PM me so as to spare the others and not clutter up this topic any more.
Game on,
"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams