Hmm... I understand that some of you are having trouble with the
DROD3D Demo. If you are, I put up a little
Troubleshooting section on the downloads page, right by the Demo.
As you can see from the bar on the main page, Caravel DROD (what I was calling SourceForge DROD) is nearing completion, 81%. Yeah, keep smiling.
On a personal note, I had my Semester Finals last week, and even though I had a real nasty cold, I went to school anyway. I can safely say I passed all my classes, except maybe American Lit, but that's because I'm amazingly and stunningly lazy. Tomorrow I start my Second Semester classes, with a fresh start. My classes include Advanced Pascal (yeah, I know, I'm WAY behind in the programming world.), Computer Assisted Design II, Web Development, (Think I'll pass? ^_^) and Consumer Education. Whoopdee-flippin-doo.
You can expect more updates than usual, considering that both Caravel DROD, DROD3D, and flu season are all in full swing, plus Erik is back from DRODCon 2002, and I'll be adding a section of the site for pictures and such.