I gave a look at my own (meagre) list #1 scores, and found the following (potentially) interesting room:
Labyrinthis (JtRH edition), Disorientation, 1S 1E.
Since I have the best demo, I can say with confidence that this room isn't anywhere near optimised, and it seems fairly open-ended (lots of goblins in particular). It also doesn't have any tar, and the hold containing the room isn't particularly long (so it can be reached fairly easily).
Two other #1 scores of mine where I would like some feedback, though they aren't worthwhile for a week-long optimisation contest.
Simon's Dungeon, First Level, 3N 1W , where I have a pretty good demo, but I don't know if a couple more moves can be shaved, and
JO's First Hold, Entrance Caves, 2 S , so that Rabscuttle, StuartK, Michthro, Wallu and co can explain how in the nine hells I managed to snatch #1 right under their noses (beating their 15 with my 14... which is *very* surprising, of course).
[Last edited by Alneyan at 02-26-2006 04:45 PM]