krammer wrote:
The only effective way to get a real rating system is to get someone (like Erik or Malarame) to review new holds and post reviews on
I'll have to respectfully disagree - with hopefully a LOT of people rating these holds, the net effect should be a well-rounded rating, in contrast to one person's opinion. While I think Erik and Matt could probably give good opinions on new holds, maybe their likes and dislikes are opposite of mine, and thus I shouldn't rely on just their opinion.
With what I'm proposing, everyone (well, everyone who's registered on the forum) will be able to voice their opinion, both by rating certain categories and by a full-fledged review, if they'd so like. This IS a forum after all - you can post a reply saying "
This hold is horrible because it has a crapload of serpents, and I hate serpents."
Hopefully something a little more verbose, but you get the picture.
Anyway, I don't think you can really rate holds with numbers. I couldn't say that any one of the new levels I've downloaded is better or worse than others - I may like some better, but they all have good and bad points.
Well, hopefully the categories chosen will adequately represent the good and bad points you're thinking of. That's why I posted this - to try to get opinions on what categories people think should be used.
I would put any hold with nothing but goblins as a low fun and high difficulty simply because I hate them and always mess up badly. One person who hates something can really screw up an average.
While "
might be a category, it very well might not. I'd rather see things like difficulty, creativity, style, ... etc. And hopefully we'll have enough people rating these that one idiot won't screw it up. Even if I hated a level (because it wasn't fun for me - i.e. I hate serpents) I could still
appreciate it's difficulty, creativity, etc.
I think the best system to begin with would be for every hold to be given - by the author - an approximate difficulty rating compared to some official milestone - perhaps whereabouts it wiould fit in Dugan's dungeon (i.e. about Levl8, or post level 25). This could be checked by playtesters before the final release.
I agree that the author should be able to enter these things.
And about playtesting - I think the best bet would be to have a Testers forum where pople can indicate that they want testers. Any people who are interested email the author and he emails the hold to them, they can then do all communication via email or PMs. That way people won't accidently download holds that aren't finalised.
Couldn't that just go in one of the existing forums? Especially if all follow-up will be in PMs or email, as it should be.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.
Mahatma Gandhi