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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Wubba-Pushers (The Wubbas Get A Little More Friendly)
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icon Wubba-Pushers (0)  
Right now, we have a cute little wubba.

It's, like, ^_^ and you're like ^_^ and then it surrounds you and you die of something.

Now, wubbas, presumably, like shiny things. Sure, they can't see, but the power of Shiny is all important.

So, they want to, naturally, see what's going on with your sword. Or the mimic's sword. Or the Guard's sword, or the Slayer's hook, and the Decoy's sword.

And, when they get up to it, they nudge it about 45 degrees away, whichever way they can, forcing Beethro to turn with it.. Then they move up to it, preferably clockwise if possible, and do it again. If they can't get to the sword's side, they'll push Beethro back a bit.


Now, why do we want these?

1: Mimics.

With this, we can force a mimic's sword to go in a different direction from Beethro's. For instance:


<=Upperleft Force Arrow

The WubbaPusher, here, is going to rush the mimic like a decoy. If it gets to the Mimic, it will push its sword until it faces west -- at this point, the Mimic will likely hit the bomb if it moves left, unless Beethro spins his sword northeast--which, of course, might not be possible.

Now, this is an optional part, but to avoid the natural overlap issue, swords /do not overlap the pusher/. It...pushes them away, with the same sort of 'ehn' sound you get with trying to push into a wall.

What else could it be used for?

* A Slayer is chasing you in a largely empty room.
There is you, and a wubba pusher. You have to lead the wubba-pusher to the Slayer, be in the right position, and then force the Slayer into a killable position.

* We have a field full of bombs. We have wubba pushers. If they push you the wrong way, you will hit a bomb and die.

Yes, it's 'pushing things in DROD', but I feel it's not-Sokoban enough.
08-23-2005 at 10:28 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
Right now, we have a cute little wubba.

It's, like, ^_^ and you're like ^_^ and then it surrounds you and you die of something.

Now, wubbas, presumably, like shiny things. Sure, they can't see, but the power of Shiny is all important.

So, they want to, naturally, see what's going on with your sword. Or the mimic's sword. Or the Guard's sword, or the Slayer's hook, and the Decoy's sword.
Is this a new request for a monster or a request for functionality to be added to one?

And, when they get up to it, they nudge it about 45 degrees away, whichever way they can, forcing Beethro to turn with it.. Then they move up to it, preferably clockwise if possible, and do it again. If they can't get to the sword's side, they'll push Beethro back a bit.
I don't particularly like the idea, since it basically enables you to make two moves (or even more in large hordes) per turn, which is highly un-DRODish since the moves are made out of your control. Also if they can push you, then you could get stuck into a corner eventually if you're not careful.

Now, why do we want these?

1: Mimics.

With this, we can force a mimic's sword to go in a different direction from Beethro's. For instance:


<=Upperleft Force Arrow

The WubbaPusher, here, is going to rush the mimic like a decoy. If it gets to the Mimic, it will push its sword until it faces west -- at this point, the Mimic will likely hit the bomb if it moves left, unless Beethro spins his sword northeast--which, of course, might not be possible.
An interesting idea, but possibly sword-repelling tiles might substitute for these (as a feature request)

* A Slayer is chasing you in a largely empty room.
There is you, and a wubba pusher. You have to lead the wubba-pusher to the Slayer, be in the right position, and then force the Slayer into a killable position.
Again, I guess sword-repelling tiles might make a stationary substitute for that.

* We have a field full of bombs. We have wubba pushers. If they push you the wrong way, you will hit a bomb and die.
That would be a bit unpredictable if you had several - movement order would then be extremely important.

Yes, it's 'pushing things in DROD', but I feel it's not-Sokoban enough.
It is however, pushing Beethro, which removes control from you, making it un-DRODish. Also, there would be problems with movement order sequences throughout the entire room - what would decide exactly when Beethro gets pushed?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
08-23-2005 at 10:51 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
Is this a new request for a monster or a request for functionality to be added to one?

Sort of a Wubba+, as it was. Maybe pink or something.

I don't particularly like the idea, since it basically enables you to make two moves (or even more in large hordes) per turn, which is highly un-DRODish since the moves are made out of your control. Also if they can push you, then you could get stuck into a corner eventually if you're not careful.

Wubbas can keep you stuck in a corner if you're not careful. Also, I wouldn't really suggest using a ton of these in one room much in the same way it's somewhat bad practice to add 10-20 slayers to one room.

An interesting idea, but possibly sword-repelling tiles might substitute for these (as a feature request)

Totally. My only reason for suggesting this is that it would be too confusing to understand what it would do if the sword was directly on top of it.

That would be a bit unpredictable if you had several - movement order would then be extremely important.

True, it'd be somewhat unpredictable, which is...somewhat troublesome. On the other hand, we didn't really predict orbs, and that worked okay in AE for quite a while, as I recall.

08-23-2005 at 11:12 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (+1)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I don't particularly like the idea, since it basically enables you to make two moves (or even more in large hordes) per turn, which is highly un-DRODish since the moves are made out of your control. Also if they can push you, then you could get stuck into a corner eventually if you're not careful.

Wubbas can keep you stuck in a corner if you're not careful.
These Wubbas can, however, push you into a corner to get you stuck there, which is quite a big difference compared to passively getting yourself stuck in a corner.

Also, I wouldn't really suggest using a ton of these in one room much in the same way it's somewhat bad practice to add 10-20 slayers to one room.
Still, even 3 in a small area can be enough to produce some unpredictable effects:

   O /

B- Beethro
O Special Wubba

Rotate once anti-clockwise, and if we assume the red one goes first, then green and then blue, what will happen is you will be first rotated clockwise and then once more so you end up facing east. Then you will get pushed upwards, all of which take place in the space of one move.

That would be a bit unpredictable if you had several - movement order would then be extremely important.

True, it'd be somewhat unpredictable, which is...somewhat troublesome. On the other hand, we didn't really predict orbs, and that worked okay in AE for quite a while, as I recall.
There are two major differences you are basically forgetting:

First, orbs don't move, so although they required guesswork in AE to figure out their functions, once you'd worked out what they did, the problem was basically alleviated since all you needed to do was remember which orb did what. With these moving monsters, you'd need to work out which was created first through trial-and-error, and try to remember this through each game state, especially when they interact, since they look the same. After that, then you'd need to calculate which moves first and so work out your final position. It's certainly quite a lot more work than working out and memorising the function of a few orbs.
The second thing is that orbs are stationary objects that don't interact with you at all; it's your choice whether to hit an orb or not. These Wubbas, however not only interact with you, but also alter your movement and position too. Basically, once you get right next to one, you've no choice but to get pushed, and so lose control.

Finally, although you say that...

On the other hand, we didn't really predict orbs, and that worked okay in AE for quite a while, as I recall.
...the orb problem was bad enough that it did bother people quite a lot, especially as orb complexity was an easy to implement and often integral part of many puzzles. Why else would the orb-clicking feature have been included in JtRH?

Monster movement order, on the other hand, isn't very obvious, is pretty hard to make puzzles out of, is very difficult to predict, and so I don't think many puzzles actually have much of this problem (and for those that do, I guess the solution was to avoid them or ask the architect to reduce the effect). Once the movement order determines where the player will end up, as in the case of this monster, that would just end up very frustrating.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
08-23-2005 at 11:48 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
Well. Hm. I guess it would only really work as the sole one of its kind in a room, then.
08-23-2005 at 11:57 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (+1)  
Maybe, in stead of pushing Beethro's sword, the Wubba-Pushers could just prevent his sword from entering squares occupied by them ? Or, they could possibly explode if they got sworded, like a combination of a Wubba and a Bomb ?

(Saying this solely as a player, of course -- I don't decide anything)

- Gerry
08-24-2005 at 02:04 AM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
I think it's an interesting idea. Perhaps we could consider it as a type of "boss-monster" like Mattcrampy's Scorpion idea.

To the red-green-blue example, with the stated rules, I think the final position would be


Not that this alleviates any problems with the movement.

I'd suggest that the Wubba pusher can not be stabbed (acts as a wall if the attempt is made). If it is swiped, or slashed, then it rotates the sword back in the direction it came from. I.E,

WB  =>   W/

Now, this still has the double movement dilemma, but I don't have a solution for that.

The Bomb+Wubba sounds neat (albeit difficult). I'd call it a WuBomb.

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08-24-2005 at 02:49 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
I think it's an interesting idea. Perhaps we could consider it as a type of "boss-monster" like Mattcrampy's Scorpion idea.

To the red-green-blue example, with the stated rules, I think the final position would be


Not that this alleviates any problems with the movement.
Edit: ignore that. I made a mistake above. I meant that the green one goes first, not the red one, and assuming a pusher can only push or move once per turn, you'll probably end up like this:


Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 08-24-2005 04:29 PM]
08-24-2005 at 04:24 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
Hm. Zex's idea makes it somewhat less troublesome. We'd solve movement issues in that there would be a single push, -directly after Beethro moves-, but before any monsters do. Maybe in the Mimic phase?
08-24-2005 at 05:48 PM
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icon Re: Wubba-Pushers (0)  
zex20913 wrote:

agaricus5 wrote:

Both of these from a single setup due to a slight confusion with movement order are the best reason why this idea shouldn't be added in my opinion.
08-24-2005 at 06:19 PM
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