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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (I just have no idea of how I can turn something like this into a puzzle.)
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cheese obsessive
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icon Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (+1)  
Well, I got bored one day, and decided to make this (attached). It certainly looks wicked cool, but I just have no idea of how I can make this into a puzzle. If anyone would like to help me in building a hold with this "dancing roaches" theme, let me know, because I pretty much suck at making up puzzles. If no puzzles are able to be made, because I can't really think of anything, I could just make a DROD-art sort of hold with a bunch of these things. I could easily do more, I just want to know what everyone thinks of this before I keep making stuff. Oh yeah...You don't have to do anything except for tapping your wait button. :D
06-15-2005 at 03:17 AM
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
Heh, that looks quite cool.

Interestingly, someone did try to do something along a similar idea - though during the time of AE without scripting. You may enjoy looking at this thread, if you haven't already.
06-15-2005 at 03:27 AM
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cheese obsessive
Level: Master Delver
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
AHAHAHAH. I love the tar baby conga line. :D

I never realized that that post existed, so now I feel somewhat dumb, but still, the scripting can make cooler shapes. :D

TripleM wrote:
Heh, that looks quite cool.

Interestingly, someone did try to do something along a similar idea - though during the time of AE without scripting. You may enjoy looking at this thread, if you haven't already.
06-15-2005 at 03:37 AM
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
cheese obsessive wrote:
AHAHAHAH. I love the tar baby conga line. :D

I never realized that that post existed, so now I feel somewhat dumb, but still, the scripting can make cooler shapes. :D

Ah, indeed, scripting is going to allow a LOT more. I'm still looking forward to someone making a hold with a large amount of scripting. Actually, mainly all I want to see is something that was mentioned in passing with a whole bunch of roaches zooming towards you then turning sideways and going out some other exit.. erm.

We'll see what you can come up with for continuing this idea anyway.. perhaps some beethro involvement somehow?
06-15-2005 at 06:06 AM
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
cheese obsessive wrote:
AHAHAHAH. I love the tar baby conga line. :D

I never realized that that post existed, so now I feel somewhat dumb, but still, the scripting can make cooler shapes. :D

Heh, thanks :) One day I'll get around to actually fixing it up into a proper hold.
06-15-2005 at 02:47 PM
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cheese obsessive
Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 219
Registered: 10-10-2004
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
TripleM wrote:
cheese obsessive wrote:
AHAHAHAH. I love the tar baby conga line. :D

I never realized that that post existed, so now I feel somewhat dumb, but still, the scripting can make cooler shapes. :D

Ah, indeed, scripting is going to allow a LOT more. I'm still looking forward to someone making a hold with a large amount of scripting. Actually, mainly all I want to see is something that was mentioned in passing with a whole bunch of roaches zooming towards you then turning sideways and going out some other exit.. erm.

We'll see what you can come up with for continuing this idea anyway.. perhaps some beethro involvement somehow?

I tried getting beethro involved in this dance-thing, but to do that, you have to know which way the roaches will move, or else beethro will either get in the way or accidentally kill one. For now, I think I am just going to heep making more of these designs, with other characters, like tar and mud babies, to add an element of color for even more visual effect. :D

I still have no idea of how to make this into a puzzle, though. :/ For now, I will just stick with a hold based on art, rather than puzzles...unless somehow I think of something, or someone else does.

06-15-2005 at 08:24 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
You could probably teach basic dance steps through something like this. Like, real life dance steps.

That might be a little weird though...and not in the general "I like!" area of most of our posters.

However, I think that a "hold art" hold would be neat too. Who says EVERYTHING in DROD must be a puzzle?

Well...a lot of people, but that's not my point. I'd like to see a dancing hold, just for a breather/fun time.

As a suggestion for this hold-put it on infinite repeat. Throw in a label at the beginning, toss in a "Wait 50 turns" (or some number) at the end, tell the roaches to go back to their starting positions, and goto label.

Yes, I know there's the R key...but who wants to use that when you can have an infinitely repeating neato dance of roaches?

I'd also suggest having the entrance be out of the way of the roaches, for symmetry and whatnot.

I likey! Hey Mikey!

Click here to view the secret text

06-15-2005 at 08:32 PM
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cheese obsessive
Level: Master Delver
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Registered: 10-10-2004
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
You could probably teach basic dance steps through something like this. Like, real life dance steps.

That might be a little weird though...and not in the general "I like!" area of most of our posters.

However, I think that a "hold art" hold would be neat too. Who says EVERYTHING in DROD must be a puzzle?

Well...a lot of people, but that's not my point. I'd like to see a dancing hold, just for a breather/fun time.

As a suggestion for this hold-put it on infinite repeat. Throw in a label at the beginning, toss in a "Wait 50 turns" (or some number) at the end, tell the roaches to go back to their starting positions, and goto label.

Yes, I know there's the R key...but who wants to use that when you can have an infinitely repeating neato dance of roaches?

I'd also suggest having the entrance be out of the way of the roaches, for symmetry and whatnot.

I likey! Hey Mikey!

Heh. Thanks! I am currently working on another design kind of based off of my first part of my dance thing, where the box spirals into a plus sign back into a box. I made my first design so that the roaches walk off of the screen, and then I hid a secret room in there. I might as well attach it if anyone wants to see it. It is just my first design again with one extra step added.
06-15-2005 at 10:18 PM
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Level: Master Delver
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Registered: 05-16-2005
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
I tried to treat it like a puzzle and tried to kill them all before they stop moving. I can get all but one. Maybe I'll do it eventually.

Anyway, it's cool looking. I was going to do something like this for a secret level in my hold, but I got lazy.

06-15-2005 at 10:22 PM
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cheese obsessive
Level: Master Delver
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
I just spent the last like 4 hours building a variation of the plus-to-square design, and it looks amazing. What I did was take 9 plus's, and made them all morph to squares at the same time, but they all interlock. It is only 6 moves long, but it took me forever. If you want to keep looping it (because it ends the same way it starts) just press

(wait key)(wait key)(wait key)(wait key)(wait key)(wait key)(restart)

and keep pressing those in that order until you get bored of it. Have a look, please, and tell me what you think.
06-16-2005 at 02:02 AM
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
I was bored too, so I made up a challenge:

In Cheese's hold (the one just above this post), kill all the roaches before the script enters the part where they walk single-file off the screen. (Kill them before any roach takes even one step to the right in the single-file walk.)

Yay :fun

Complexity is the source of Life.
06-16-2005 at 07:35 PM
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
Easy. I killed the last roach on turn 26. (The exiting line movement begins on turn 33)

Dancing rooms are fun for a while but just for a while :P

"Beethro's Dance of Death 2: The Scripted Dance", anyone?
06-17-2005 at 03:23 PM
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cheese obsessive
Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 219
Registered: 10-10-2004
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File: Boredom.hold (187.5 KB)
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (+1)  
Doom wrote:
Easy. I killed the last roach on turn 26. (The exiting line movement begins on turn 33)

Dancing rooms are fun for a while but just for a while :P

"Beethro's Dance of Death 2: The Scripted Dance", anyone?

That would be awesome. YOU SHOULD DO THAT!!!!!! I loved the original Dance of Death :)

Oh yeah. In the past 2 days, I made 2 more designs. I call them, "the present" which is an unwrapping box, and "the washing machine", which sorta reminds me of goblins on spin-cycle. :D Have a look.
06-17-2005 at 03:50 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Re: Not really a hold, but definately a new idea. "DANCING ROACHES!" (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
I likey! Hey Mikey!
Speaking! Your wish is my command. (Boy, oh, boy. There's gonna be so much good stuff in 3.0...)

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
06-19-2005 at 10:08 PM
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