On the contrary, having a critical analysis is what lets me make the hold /better/. Alright, lemme take a look at all this.
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×1N1W: Good fun. Nice design of the 4-way door. Suggest adding a checkpoint.
> Yeah, I'll do that right now. It's not always easy to remember to put them down, so.
1N1E: cheap trick, although the scroll makes it fairly obvious...
> I was hoping the scroll would make it obvious enough to counteract the fact that it IS a cheap trick. I'm not entirely sure whether it did by what you said, so I can make it a touch more obvious if need be.
1E: as mentioned, the secret entrance is a bit irritating. Also requires a checkpoint.
> I can probably kill two birds in one stone here. Let's say I put the checkpoint in the lower left corner by the secret, make it an empty square on that side?
2N: liked this one. Not sure why you put the roach at the top though. Using seeps as an avoidance was a nice touch.
> ...come to think of it, I'm not entirely sure why myself. I'll remove it.
3N: very easy indeed
> I figured it'd counteract the 'huargh' of 1E.
2N1E: Again, a cheap trick with the spider. Didn't see why you needed quite so many potions...
> You don't. You -shouldn't- be able to get out if you go out on the right side, and you need two potions to beat that room. The invisibility is there because the spider doesn't move if it can't see you.
2N2E: Timer can be avoided by stepping immediately off the trapdoor, as said.
> That's been fixed by now, so.
1N2E : nice idea, although quite easy - perhaps shorten the timer a little?
> There'll be harder versions of this further up, most likely, so it's just a good warmup.
Entrance: it's an exit room, so add a checkpoint for an end level restore point
> --See, I suck with checkpoints. Right, doing that now.
Rightio. Now that I have a ton of things to fix, I'mma spruce up the first hold and reupload it in a touch here.