I think that cbemom said most of the stuff, but I thought I would write a bit more, because I guess you need more help
Put in secret tags to save some space, although the rooms doesn't have secrets at all...
Level 1:
The Entrance: Simple entrance room.
1S: More and harder monsters than the Entrance, not too bad.
2S: Less monsters and easier than 1S. Maybe you could swap these rooms.
2S1W: Also an easy room. I think you might want to remove the eye.
1S1W: Not bad at all.
1W: Lots of roaches. Quite fun for a beginner
1N1W: It's not that bad to introduce pits by writing it, but that would probably not be the first room a player will find one...
1E: Another pit with monsters.
1N1E: I thought you were introducing slime and eyes in level 2, so if you replace the tar babies and eyes with roaches, it will be an okay room.
1N2E + 2E: Brains, eyes and tars. I guess you forgot to remove them from the hard version... I don't think you need them in this level.
Level 2:
The Entrance: This was quite an interesting room.
1W: Quite nice (and easy) room, and you could put the letters back in if you want...
1S1W: If you enter from the east side, you cannot leave this room.
1S: Better than the other versions.
2S1W: This room is not bad at all! I liked it.
3S1W: A slime room. At least that's what it says. Not bad.
3S+4S: 2 width passages rooms.
1S1E, 1S2E: I'm not too sure about these rooms, but since they are not required, I'm not complaining. But they do not really fit in this level.
Level 3:
I'm not going to giving comments to every room, but most of them are not bad at all. (except those empty rooms
1S1E: Can't go through the east exit. You can remove that exit.
1S2E: Quite fun room.
1E: You might not want players go to 2E from here, as those rooms will get too easy...