silver wrote:
Perhaps. Perhaps not. If there were no places for challenges, there wouldn't be a challenge board. Alternate solutions to puzzles in KDD would be bug reports (or, perhaps, now that the alternate proves some more difficult method is possible, the original/intended solution is the bug?)
No, but there is a difference between the current system now and what you're proposing. Right now, a challenge is just a challenge. Nothing more - you can complete them just for your own personal satisfaction.
With this "
challenge points"
idea, challenges are made more important because they get a number attached to them; i.e. you become disadvantaged psychologically if you don't complete them yourself:
Your system would make the challenges necessary to master the hold. My system would allow a master of the hold to say to another "sure, you mastered it, but I didn't use the mimic potions in room X and have a higher score, nyah nyah".
which may or may not be amusing
Admittedly, most people won't be affected (hopefully) by scrabbling for points, but I guess that even if this is the case, it's not the same as competing to be efficient. While efficiency is a universal idea (you can always have a most optimised room), the idea of a "
or even "
solution is far more indistinct - what determines which is the better solution?
I guess the question to be asked is, "
which is more important - solving a room your own way, or solving it how someone else wants you to?"
Resident Medic/Mycologist