levelthirteen wrote:
There is still no easy way to change F5 to test a room and F10 to toggle fullscreen mode, short of downloading a C++ compiler and the DROD source, and recompiling DROD with the new key bindings.
Ack. I guess I figured we could get away with reserving the function keys for some of the meta-game commands. We don't have enough room on the settings screen to add more redefs without some really ugly cramming. I was hoping to split up the settings screen into separate screens at some point. But not this release, because I don't want to introduce so much new code into the project.
I can see making changes that allow key redefinition of the help (F1), demo record (F5), demo selection (F6), and fullscreen toggle (F10) commands. But I think they probably shouldn't go into this release.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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