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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Importing Images in JtRH (Getting file not found error message)
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icon Importing Images in JtRH (0)  
I have tried to import my own image into the room I am working on. Actually I just wanted to see how it worked, but everytime I get the error message "file not found".

First, I tried changing the size to match the width of 1024, didn't change the height (can't remember it right now).

Second, I tried moving it into the same dir that comes up when asked to get file and making a jpg version as well as bmp version.

All these efforts failed. Can someone help me? :huh

By the way I did a search for 'importing image' nothing relevent came up, and the help in JtRH did not have anything about importing images, so I am at a loss as to what to do now.

P.S. If this is the wrong place for this question plese I am sorry and could you please direct me to the right location.

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04-12-2005 at 02:36 AM
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icon Re: Importing Images in JtRH (+1)  
techant wrote:
I have tried to import my own image into the room I am working on. Actually I just wanted to see how it worked, but everytime I get the error message "file not found".
Bibelot just helped me fix a few bugs related to this very issue. In current versions, you must make sure the file extensions you use are lower-case (e.g. ".jpg" or ".png"). Also, make sure the corresponding extension filter is selected at the bottom of the file selection dialog. Otherwise, it will say "file not found" when you press OK. I've fixed these problems for an upcoming patch.

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04-12-2005 at 06:46 AM
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icon Re: Importing Images in JtRH (0)  
Great that worked ... well up to a point.

The jpg I picked to import was of the ocean, after I changed the extension to lower case it imported fine but it split it into 4 sections. It split the pic up and then arranged the 4 tiles differtly than the pic, and I do not know why. When I imported one of the originals that came in the data subdir with JtRH it did not do that. In fact all of the JtRH pic did not show on the floor just the upper left, that is what I expected my jpg to do. How do you get it not to tile?

On a second note how do you remove a jpg from a room if you want to change it?

Thanks for the quick answer 'mrimer' I hope you can help with this other issue. I really want to see how I can use this feature.

Update: I realised that the 'TitleMap.jpg' I had used earlier was huge so I enlarged the pic I had to 1000 pixel wide. That worked so that even if it tiled I couldn't see it. Do you know the exact measurements for width and height for the whole floor including the side wall area? I tried 1000 x 750 pixels and got most of the shot, but I would like a more exact figure if you have one, thanks.

Still looking for a way to remove the pic, if I want to change it to a different one, without deleting the room or level.

[Edited by techant at Local Time:04-12-2005 at 09:19 AM: Updated]

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04-12-2005 at 08:55 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Re: Importing Images in JtRH (+1)  
techant wrote:
How do you get it not to tile?
Use a larger image, or just stop placing image floor tiles where you don't want the image to tile.
On a second note how do you remove a jpg from a room if you want to change it?
Press F9. You also do this to reposition where the top-left corner of the image is in the room.
Do you know the exact measurements for width and height for the whole floor including the side wall area?
Tiles are 22x22. That makes the entire room 38*22 by 32*22 = 836 x 704.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
04-12-2005 at 06:36 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 06-08-2004
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icon Re: Importing Images in JtRH (+1)  
Thank you ! :thumbsup

That is so helpful that is what I like best about this forum, everyone is so helpful.

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04-13-2005 at 03:40 AM
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