Obviously, we are in need of a contest for February. Less obviously, unless you happen to be me, Mike Rimer, or Todd Downing, we are in need of someone to supply the voice of a major character in
DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold. So I had a genius idea! I mean it took me twenty minutes to finish congratulating myself for it.
I will hold an audition for the part, and the audition itself will be the February contest.
I'm not going to tell you a terrible amount about this character because it might spoil some portion of the story for you, but a little bit of info should be okay:
* This character is in command of things--he's a powerful guy.
* He isn't human.
* He has a funny way of talking shared by others of his kind.
* He's definitely the type to hold a grudge or lose his temper.
Here are three of his lines from different points in the game:
"Ha, ha, ha! Yez yez, I liked to tire you some just for jokes. Now we gonna kill you up good. Cuz I hates you sooo deep, Budkin! I hates you deep as pits!"
"Butcher, you likes your meat. Kills us, drags us up, chops and seasons. Feeds us to your friends!"
"Think it out! You don't pay? We give your little man a toothing. Thinks you got no money, but I know where's greckles for finding."
1. Record one of the above lines using your best voice and stick to the same wording. You don't have to literally say "
ha ha ha!"
however--any kind of laugh is fine.
2. You can edit and process the recording if you want, but only to improve the sound quality--not to add special effects or alter how your voice sounds.
3. Get the recording into a WAV, OGG, or MP3 file. I recommend using settings of 16bit, 44.1khz, mono, but that isn't a requirement. If you chose the WAV format, put your WAV file into a ZIP or RAR archive.
4. Post your recording in reply to this topic. Make the subject of your message the number of your entry, instead of "
Re: The Grand Audition"
. So for example if you are posting the third entry so far, make you subject be "
. This will be used later for the poll to reference your entry.
5. Each post you make counts as a separate entry. You can make as many entries as you like up until the Entry Cutoff Time
Local Time:02-21-2005 at 12:00 AM which is
negative 1041 weeks, 2 days from now. You can delete and update attachments on your posts. Basically, whatever posts you have with attached recordings at Entry Cutoff Time will be your official entries. So don't say "
Oh, I screwed up on that old recording, don't pay attention to it. Here is the new one!"
Just make sure at Entry Cutoff Time that you only have attachments here for recordings you want to enter.
6. Soon after the Entry Cutoff Time, we will have a poll asking everyone to rate how well they liked each entry. The contestant with the highest rating for a single entry will be the first place winner, and 2nd and 3rd go to the next highest. Contestants with multiple entries can only win the highest possible prize and not sweep 2nd or 3rd prizes.
It's a little different this time, so pay attention!
First place winner gets 100 rank points and any item of his choosing from the new
Prize Pile. Second and third place winners get 50 and 25 rank points, respectively. A rookie bonus of 10 points is given to anybody who submits a recording for the contest and has never participated in a previous contest.
As I mentioned previously, we need to find someone to help us record speech for JtRH. You don't have to be interested in this to enter the contest. After we hear the different recordings, we'll get a good idea of who has a good voice and acting talent for the part, and we'll ask that person if he'd like to record a little bit of dialogue. And if that person isn't interested, then we might ask another person, and so on. So the winner of the contest is not necessarily the same person we'd end up working with.
A lot of people think their voices sound terrible when actually they aren't so bad. Everyone hates to hear their own voice played back--that is pretty much universal. So don't be horribly biased against yourself. Play with different styles and find the one that best suits you. Remember that you can submit multiple entries and try different things, i.e. raspy, nasal, cajun accent, etc. Have fun! Get loose and silly! Don't take it too seriously.
As for your recording environment, most of us are hopelessly far from a professional setup. Do the best you can. Find the right distance from the microphone. Watch your P's (pops) and S's (sibilance). I will ask voters to discount audio quality from their choices, but it might still be something you want to spend some time on. Ask on the forum for a little help from audio experts if you want to try improving the quality of your recording. Also if we end up recording with you for JtRH, we might send you a better microphone.
The First Eight
The first person to submit a recording gets 8 rank points for being so gutsy. Second person gets 7 rank points, third gets 6 and so on. We don't have time for shy people. Get out there and audition!
[Edited by ErikH2000 at
Local Time:02-08-2005 at 12:30 AM]
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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