Doom wrote:
Overall this hold is looking great. Some rooms like 1S and 2S could use a checkpoint or two.
I'll second that.
Some specific room comments: (I've played all completable rooms)
Entrance: Not really important, but you can kill the serpent with one of the eyes in the middle.
1E: A bit repetitive.
2E: Also a bit repetitive.
1S: I also think this room could use a checkpoint at the lower part of the room.
Propably unintentional:
You can lead the first queen to the orb on the trapdoor area and kill it there. There are few unused orbs if you kill it there.
This is how I did it too, but then I
Click here to view the secret text
×trapped the SE queen in the narrow passage in the middle with its spawn, and I trapped the W queen between the topmost door and the orb beneath it (again, using its spawn).
1S2E: I never used the easternmost orb. Was that intentional?
2S1W: I'm assuming that the NW orb should open the NW door, but instead it closes it. This makes the room impossible to solve.
2S: A checkpoint somewhere would be nice.
2S1E: Again, a checkpoint could be placed somewhere.
2S2E: You can't leave the southern area once you've entered. This makes the room impossible.
Unintended solution
I attached my demo because it's a bit difficult to explain otherwise. I didn't hit about half of the orbs in the room.
You only need to hit one orb to complete the room. Demo attached.
3S1E: A nice efficiency puzzle. The part with the two tar-blobs can be done in 28 moves (perhaps less).
4S: Eeeww...
4S1E: This room really needs a checkpoint. Preferrably several.