Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 2708
Registered: 02-05-2003
IP: Logged
Re: Bug: Problem edting holds (0)
I'm sorry, but I really don't like this. Let's say I built a hold and sent it to friends to test. A few weeks later my computer crashes and I lose all information. Normally, my friends could send it back... But now it's lost forever because the character's gone.
Also, maybe even more importantly, it prevents collaboration on holds, it prevents working on holds from multiple computers, and basically introduces a barrier towards lots of fun stuff.
My suggestion is as follows: password protection. When you create a new hold, you are prompted for a hold password. When you import a hold, you are also prompted for the password (ideally in the same import screen so people won't have to go through an additional step) - if you know it, you get edit rights.
That's the simplest, most elegant, and effective solution. If I know the hold's password, I can work on it, otherwise I cannot. As simple as that. Any software-based solution is bound to cause more problem that it's worth.
An to the more personal level: Is there any way I can get to edit my current hold? I accept the risk here since I was working on it in the beta, but it would be nice if there was a way (otherwise, I'll have to go manually room-by-room and recreate it, which would be a pain).
[Edited by eytanz on 06-16-2003 at 11:17 PM]
I got my avatar back! Yay!