Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 2708
Registered: 02-05-2003
IP: Logged
Bug: Corrupted player (0)
I somehow managed to corrupt my player. First, I lost the ability to play levels (in any hold) - whenever I tried to enter the game or the reload screen, I'd crash to the desktop. The first time I saw this I was trying to play a custom hold in it's default state (one room with nothing in it), but that may have been a coincidence.
At that point, I was still able to edit levels and playtest them. However, I then deleted the (only) custom hold, which crashed me to the desktop, and upon returning to the game, I discovered I was no longer able to enter the build screen either.
I created new players, and they work fine.
[Edited by eytanz on 06-15-2003 at 02:31 PM]
I got my avatar back! Yay!