Pretty sure the above tool is missing a lot of rooms. Tried feeding it several specific ones and didn't get any matches. A couple from the latest hold (Accelerated Flooding), another few from an older hold (A Walk in the Park, Jan2023).
Rabscuttle wrote:
Yeah, I wouldn't want to change existing scores now. But it'd be nice if it were an option for the future.
On the other hand, I'd prefer a consistent scoring system. Having cutscenes scored in half the holds, unscored in the rest doesn't sound ideal. Imagine a second conquer-token that doesn't end scoring, just because a bunch of scores can be trivialized with decoys. If a change were to be made, changing all cutscenes feels preferable over a cutscene flag.
On the other hand, it's worth asking if this is even a problem. It affects a very small percentage of rooms and equally for all demos. Even if changed, it doesn't eliminate cutscene-gaming entirely. Any score with forced waiting could be improved if you can find ways to trigger cutscenes during such idle periods.
edit: One more thing, there's at least one existing hold that uses cutscenes as a deliberate score penalty for enabling easy-mode (Hold Title Mixup Contest Compilation: When You Wish Upon a Tar)
[Last edited by Doom at 07-15-2024 11:40 PM]