Wow. A positive comment from a L8 clone hold. I never thought that I'd see the day...
×I liked the puzzle in 1S, which was fairly specific and took me a few tries to get right.
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×I did notice, however, that 2S will be unaccesible unless you do it directly after 1S. Added a warning scroll.
1N and 1N 1W are also quite nice puzzles, not too hard once you get the opening sequences correct.
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×I made both easier, but if they were possible before, I may change them back. Thanks for the info.
2N 1W, if everything is visible (not completed it properly yet), also looks like a good puzzle...
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×Everything is visible except for a green door near the two orbs on the left, and that's just so you don't place the mimic there.
...along with 3N 1W, which looks quite a lot harder than its previous incarnation.
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×Beleive it or not, it's actually a bit easier, and I may change that depending on my mood.
2S was, however, rather irritating, especially when I discovered the hidden walls, which were absolutely no fun at all. Hopefully this is the only room in which there are so many, or I probably won't finish the hold due to lack of patience. Saying that, though, is it possible to stop the tar in the 2-square corridor linking the north half to the south half from blocking it? If not, then the room looks impossible.
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×I didn't fully understand, but I did make sure that all the walls are a least a bit visible to give you an idea of you path and made sure there are no x2 paths in there.
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×As for the rest of the rooms....
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×...There is one more spot where there are walls under tar, but that is in the equivalent of 1S1W in the original, and it's just a small, L11-ish puzzle. No more super-frustrating ones, though.
Done. Enjoy!
--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.