That's a good question.
Hints & Solutions: At this time, we don't want to try to make the game an interface for for the H&S board. We could fairly easily add a "
Get room help"
button or key that would bring up a web browser in the H&S board and automatically search for the room you're in. This isn't in JtRH, and extremely likely will not be in JtRH. Easier yet: While you play, the game uploads your progess. CaravelNet knows the last room you were in. It would be really easy to make it so that if you press the Search button on the H&S board, it automagically goes to the last room you were in. I won't guarantee anything, but that's most likely of all to happen for JtRH, since it wouldn't require ANY changes to the game.
Challenges: This would be a lot more work, I think, to do it really well. It would also be incredibly cool. I have a decent idea about how to have the game download a challenge and enforce it's restrictions on a room, and of course track which challenges you've completed. But I'd have to think about it a lot more to figure out if it can be done well enough to make it worth it. For what it's worth, Mike said it was a good idea, if
I wanted to code it up.
The easy cop-out solution for Challenges would be to just display the text of the challenges for the room, and that's it. Not very fun, but still moderately useful.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals.
Mahatma Gandhi