The original "
Trompe Le Monde"
contest description is found
Instructions for Voting
1. Don't vote until you've seen all the screenshots. If you don't see all seven here as reply posts, it means I'm still uploading them. If you have problems viewing any screenshot, post about it here and we'll sort it out.
2. Vote for all seven entries in the poll. Don't vote for some and leave others blank. That creates problems.
3. If you are on the Caravel team or have seen what the real JtRH looks like, please abstain from voting.
4. You are voting on how well each screenshot approaches what an actual screenshot of
DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold will look like. Since you haven't actually seen JtRH (rule 3), you just have to compare entries to some guess of yours. A lowest rating of 1 indicates that not only are you not fooled, but you think the author has never even played DROD before and created his screenshot based on a viewing of Ralph Bakshi's
Wizards. A highest rating of 10 indicates that you are absolutely certain this is a screenshot from JtRH and willing to fight anybody who says different. (Remember,
we might actually have real screenshots from JtRH in the line-up.) A middle rating of 5 indicates that maybe if you were drunk, the lighting was bad, or preoccupied with feeding a baby, you might think the screenshot was real.
5. Authors vote your entries as 10. You gotta.
6. Don't talk about the entries until the poll closes and votes are counted. It is also suggested that you don't speculate on what features will be in JtRH while the poll is open in a way that might cause an entry to suddenly be seen as less realistic.
I expect a lot of people will get less than 5 ratings because it is pretty hard to make a convincing screenshot. A low rating doesn't necessarily mean people didn't like your screenshot--it just wasn't rated as being very realistic.
Stand-by for the entries and also I'm going to make a second "
Which ones are real"
poll in another post.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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