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icon Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
That's the question. Check his profile...
10-17-2004 at 08:56 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Good question...

Matt, calling Schik! Come in, Schik!

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10-17-2004 at 12:17 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Well, it's a long story. I'll explain it in a bit. Gotta get some coffee first and degroggify.


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10-17-2004 at 05:57 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
I think he's leading by example. People were complaining about the rank point system, and how it's so hard to advance, so Erik decided to zero his own to show that it really doesn't matter at all.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
10-17-2004 at 06:26 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Hey, what happens if someone gets modded down to -1? Does the server implode into mothingness?
10-17-2004 at 10:06 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+25)  
Well, I'm very sad about the loss of my rank points. I had an accident and now they're all gone. If anything good can come out of it, it's that my misfortune can serve to make others more careful.

Yesterday, I got an urge to get some exercise since I spend far too much time camped out in front of my computer. I decided to go for a bike ride. I didn't want to go by myself, but checking around, I couldn't find anyone to go with me, which left me feeling lonely. This situation comes up all the time, actually, and my solution is to bring the server with me on the excursion. The server always hums in this pleasant way, and when I have it near me, it's like all the forum users are there too.

So I went down in the basement and I found Crampy curled up sleeping around the server. I gently and slowly pulled the server out of his grasp. He made whimpering noises but didn't wake up. The server keeps him warm, and I felt kinda sad leaving him there on his straw bed shivering in the cold basement. But he was sposed to be up already so he could run the 2nd part of DiMono's contest. Lazy bugger was sleeping in.

So I strapped the 80-pound server to my back with duct tape, got on my bicycle, and peddled off. Soon I was in good spirits, and I felt that this was a day for high adventure, so I thought, "Hey, I'll bike to Canada!" I got onto Interstate 5 and drove down the shoulder. It was great! And I was looking at the HOV lane and thinking, me and the server makes two passengers, so technically I would be driving a high occupancy vehicle. I shifted my 5-speed into the highest gear and merged into the HOV lane, using my arm to give the proper hand signal.

I had no idea there were so many rude drivers in Washington! People kept slamming on their brakes right behind me and honking. I would give them a thumbs up to thank them for sharing the road, but I still think some people didn't appreciate my presence on the road. It made it about impossible to have a simple ride in peace. And then the cop pulled me over, and I think he was prejudiced against bicyclists or something, because he said I couldn't ride on the highway. He wouldn't even let me ride to the next exit. I had to walk my bike another 12 miles to reach the nearest offramp. Bleh! That would take a long time, and I had to get to Vancouver by 8pm or lose my reservation of the William Shatner Suite at the Crown Regency Hotel. So after the state trooper left me at the side of the road, I knew I needed a plan.

Luckily, about 50 feet to my right was the Union Pacific railroad. I dragged my bike through the tall grass and state-installed noise-reduction shrubberies. The server was very heavy and I considered leaving it there and coming back for it, but in the end I decided since I already paid for an extra person at the hotel, I was going to get my money's worth.

Riding on the track was really bumpy because you keep hitting the 4x4 slats that span between the two rails. It was making my teeth hurt, with all the bump-bump-bump-bump-bump. The side of the track wasn't any better since it was covered with fist-sized rocks that constantly threw my tire direction off. But I found that if I was very careful and kept my balance, I could ride on the rail itself which was perfectly smooth. So soon I was making good time, and I was optimistic about getting to Canada. I congratulated myself on my resourcefulness. The server seemed happy too. It chirped merrily and played Supertramp MP3s through its internal PC speaker, which had very bad sound quality, but we didn't mind so much.

Then a train came up behind us, so I pedalled harder to stay in front of it, but it ended up being too much work. I got off the track and let the train pass me and But then I had another good idea! As the caboose came up on me I quickly got onto the track again with my bicycle and grabbed the back end of the caboose. Ha! Now, I was booking my way north at 40mph. It was more difficult to keep the two bike tires on the track now, and I had to look down every so often to make sure I didn't fall off, especially on the curves.

Then this guy came out of the back door of the caboose to have a smoke. "Who are you?" I demanded. "I'm an engineer." Something was fishy here.

"If you're an engineer, then why aren't you up in the front engine car?"

It turned out that the back car was not just a caboose, but another engine car pointing in the opposite direction. The front car did not have a reverse gear and could only go forward, so if they had to back up for some reason, this engineer would start up his car and move the train in the opposite direction. After he explained this, I was much less suspicious. He suggested we pull the bike up and I could just ride in the car, but I figured it would be more trouble in the end, because then later I'd have to lower the bike back down to the track when we got close to Vancouver. So I just stayed on the track, watching the wheels to make sure they didn't slip off. He brought out a deck of cards and we played some hands of Gin Rummy. It was very pleasant, until something very terrible happened.

In hindsight, I really think I should have been more careful. I mean, it is dangerous to ride a bicycle like this unless you've been doing it for years. It turns out the engineer was an expert at "rail-cycling" as he called it. He wanted to bring out his bike and show me some tricks, so I said "sure, why not?" He lowered his bike onto the other track, so that I was on the left and he was on the right.

Now this guy was really good! He would let go of the car and do some bunny hops and wheelies and other cool stuff, then pedal back up to the car and grab onto it again. I figured this was my chance to learn from the master, so I had him show me how to do these tricks, and amazingly I could do the same moves as him with just a little instruction. It seems I had a real knack for rail-cycling. I got pretty excited about the possibilities. Maybe I could be like Tony Hawk and have my own series of successful rail-cycling video games on the consoles. started playing Axel F and I was getting into a serious groove. The engineer hopped his bike onto my track so he was behind me, holding onto my bike seat.

He goes, "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready for what?!?!"

"I've been wanted to do this trick for twelve years, but you need two people, and I never found a partner who had enough skill or guts to pull it off."

"Jeezus, man! What are you talking about?"

"The double-decker snookey pull!"

"No way, man. I read about that in magazines. It's not safe!"

"We do it now or die wishing we tried it."

I breathed deeply, got a good grip, and gave him a nod.

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

"Cool. We're gonna need more speed for this." He radioed up to the front engine car, and the train slowly picked up. I watched the ground beneath me move faster and faster until it was just a gray blur. As speed increased, the train shuddered violently and it became harder to keep my hold on the rod I now clenched tightly. started playing Europe's Final Countdown.

The engineer popped his front wheel up and rode up my back, then with the tire on the top of my head, he pulled his front brake, so that the back of the bike shot up into the air and came to a rest perfectly balanced, with his bike vertical. I reached up and gave the wheel a little push, and he was then spinning clockwise on top of my head. It was fantastic! That was the most exhilirating moment of my life!

The engineer hopped his bike back down. We had completed the maneuver! We were the kings of rail-cycling! "Wanna do it again?" he asked with a wide grin.

"You bet!"

But the second time we tried it, I think my head was too sweaty or something, and he slipped. We crashed in a big pile along the side of the track.

The engineer was pretty mad. "Dammit! What if that train needs to back up, and I'm not there to run the reverse engine?" I had more important things to worry about because the server had come off my back and got thrown on the ground pretty hard. I ran over to to "You okay, baby? You alright?" started playing Boy George's Do You Really Want to Hurt Me and I knew things were not okay. I whipped out the philips and opened the case faster than anyone had ever opened a computer case before. Something sounded really wrong. There was a rattling noise in the fan, and I saw these little blue pellets scattered all over the motherboard. "Those are rank points!" I screamed. "It's a rank point leak!" Yep, I was right. It turned out only one of the rank point containers was busted, and call it irony or bad luck or divine punishment for my carelessness, but that was my rank point container.

I installed a new rank point container, but still, I lost all my rank points and nothing can be done about it now, except to slowly earn them all over again. It was a hard lesson to learn.


[Edited by ErikH2000 at Local Time:10-18-2004 at 12:35 AM]

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10-17-2004 at 10:09 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
Hey, what happens if someone gets modded down to -1? Does the server implode into mothingness?
Maybe his profile gets knocked to mothingness and will be banned for being a ba-a-ad boy(or girl) :D
Edit: nice story :D

[Edited by rowrow at Local Time:10-17-2004 at 10:15 PM]

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
10-17-2004 at 10:11 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
How could this have happened? I mean first of all, why did Matt have straw to sleep on? I think you're being too nice to him. Bring back the manacles!

[Edited by wackhead_uk at Local Time:10-17-2004 at 10:18 PM]
10-17-2004 at 10:16 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
How come Cramp slept in your basement?
I thought he lived in Australia.

“Folks say that if you listen real close at the height of the full moon, when the wind is blowin' off Nantucket Sound from the nor' east and the dogs are howlin' for no earthly reason, you can hear the awful screams of the crew of the 'Ellie May,' a sturdy whaler Captained by John McTavish; for it was on just such a night when the rum was flowin' and, Davey Jones be damned, big John brought his men on deck for the first of several screaming contests.”
10-17-2004 at 10:58 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Joke :D

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
10-17-2004 at 11:07 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
Nillo wrote:
How come Cramp slept in your basement?
I thought he lived in Australia.
Erik's basement spans a good part of half of the world. If he moves out, I will SO buy that house. :)

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
10-17-2004 at 11:12 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
So, remember, the lesson here is that when you're hanging onto a train while riding a bicycle on the train tracks, don't bring your website server that you stole off the cold, cold webmaster in your basement.

wackhead_uk wrote:
I mean first of all, why did Matt have straw to sleep on? I think you're being too nice to him. Bring back the manacles!

Oh dear god, not the manacles again!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to type with those things on?

Matt, who thinks everyone should buy him a bed

[Edited by Mattcrampy at Local Time:10-18-2004 at 09:51 AM]

What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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10-18-2004 at 09:43 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
Charity collection! Let's all buy Matt a bed! But only after he puts me on the hall of legendary smitemasters!

Oh, and something is wrong with the site... popped up when I clicked on this, and the smiling emoticon looks like Doom's picture.
10-18-2004 at 01:21 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
wackhead_uk wrote:
Charity collection! Let's all buy Matt a bed! But only after he puts me on the hall of legendary smitemasters!
I assume you have beaten the game. Otherwise it's not going to happen.
Oh, and something is wrong with the site... popped up when I clicked on this, and the smiling emoticon looks like Doom's picture.
The link doesn't work and I've not seen any pop ups.
But it sounds like Matt the metroid has gotten too excited...
10-18-2004 at 02:31 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
I know the link doesnt work, which was more puzzling. The question is - what did it use to be if it isnt anything now?

And yes I have completed the game, and Ive sent Matt two emails about it. Grrr.
10-18-2004 at 06:04 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
wackhead_uk wrote:
Oh, and something is wrong with the site... popped up when I clicked on this, and the smiling emoticon looks like Doom's picture.
Wackhead, can you explain what you did to bring the pic up? You say "when I clicked on this"--what is "this"?


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-18-2004 at 06:19 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
I clicked on the post reply message button. And, the two parts of that sentence are copmpletely seperate. For some reason, that night, the smiling emoticons looked like Doom's picture.
10-18-2004 at 06:32 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
About the rank points...

Erik, since you're a Legendary Smitemaster, couldn't you easily set your rank points back to what they once were? Or are you deliberately refusing to do so?

One more thing...Erik, are you going to tell us what really happened?

Curiosity abounds.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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10-25-2004 at 05:32 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+3)  
NoahT wrote:
One more thing...Erik, are you going to tell us what really happened?
Whah? Are you saying you don't believe my story?


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-25-2004 at 06:37 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
Come on...I know how you are. I know how many of the forum's earliest members are. I highly doubt the server is tangible, or that it could sense the situation going on around it and play an appropriate tune for that situation all by itself. I also doubt that your basement extends all the way into Australia.


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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10-26-2004 at 06:32 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+3)  
Don't you knock my good friend, the server. We do karaoke together on quiet nights. Sound doesn't travel too well, but I can wake up Erik if we do a really loud song with lots of high notes and get the pipes to vibrate.

If you really want to get to the bottom of this, Noah, you'll have to go to the railroad track and try and find some rank points, unless slugs have got to them. Or go to Erik's basement - there's this really nifty maglev train powered by sea water turbines. No wind resistance, and you can get a really good clip going. I'll make you some pasta.

I'm so lonely.


What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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10-26-2004 at 09:03 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Alright, I took a road trip and found thirteen rank points lying around. What do I do with them now?

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
10-26-2004 at 03:36 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
DiMono wrote:
Alright, I took a road trip and found thirteen rank points lying around. What do I do with them now?
If you're a good person, you'll give them back to Erik.
10-26-2004 at 03:53 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
Doom wrote:
DiMono wrote:
Alright, I took a road trip and found thirteen rank points lying around. What do I do with them now?
If you're a good person, you'll give them back to Erik.
...and if I'm not?

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
10-26-2004 at 06:31 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
DiMono wrote:
Doom wrote:
DiMono wrote:
Alright, I took a road trip and found thirteen rank points lying around. What do I do with them now?
If you're a good person, you'll give them back to Erik.
...and if I'm not?
Never underestimate the power of a Legendary Smitemaster!
10-26-2004 at 06:39 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
If you really want to get to the bottom of this, Noah, you'll have to go to the railroad track and try and find some rank points, unless slugs have got to them. Or go to Erik's basement - there's this really nifty maglev train powered by sea water turbines. No wind resistance, and you can get a really good clip going. I'll make you some pasta.

Thanks for the offer, but the problem is I'd have to talk my parents into letting me fly to Seattle, and since they probably wouldn't believe Erik's story any more than I do, I don't think they'd let me make the trip. And no offense, but my parents can always make me pasta.

I'm so lonely.

When you have the whole forum to talk to, how could you be lonely?


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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10-27-2004 at 12:07 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
The most modded up post of all time! Is it because he lost them all, and people were feeling sorry?

[Edited by wackhead_uk at Local Time:10-27-2004 at 10:35 PM]
10-27-2004 at 10:34 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (+1)  
wackhead_uk wrote:
The most modded up post of all time! Is it because he lost them all, and people were feeling sorry?
Do you really need a reason? He is THE Erik, you know.

It just shows that

1) if you are Erik, you will get your points and rank back in no time. if you are someone else, it will take a lot more time.

2) if Erik has so many free time to write text instead of doing JtRH, then we should give him points anyway.

3) we all love Erik anyway, and do not really matter what he say.

-- Tim (Please do not take my comments too seriously. ;))

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
10-27-2004 at 11:05 PM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
wackhead_uk wrote:
The most modded up post of all time! Is it because he lost them all, and people were feeling sorry?
Actually not. I thought I once saw watcher get 100 in a post. :huh

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
10-28-2004 at 02:37 AM
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icon Re: Who zeroed Erik's rank points? (0)  
rowrow wrote:
wackhead_uk wrote:
The most modded up post of all time! Is it because he lost them all, and people were feeling sorry?
Actually not. I thought I once saw watcher get 100 in a post. :huh
Dollars to doughnuts it was a contest entry.

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
10-28-2004 at 05:07 AM
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