Banjooie wrote:
It makes more sense when you realize he's making mod/packs/, not actually making mods.
Nobody's made huge overhauls for the later engines.
More or less, Journey to Rooted Hold did get some overalls such as the ugly tiles mod which makes all characters look round and fat, a faces mod that changes all character artworks to look like hand drawings (they're also ugly too), and some other stuff such as extra weapons like daggers (probably Caravel Team got the concept of daggers in The Second Sky from that mod) and even maces, make tar and mud different, and clock mods. However, following 2.0, very few things happened. Even if 3.0 does support the "
ugly generaltiles mod"
which makes characters fat, it's laggy like hell in 3.0 contrary to 2.0, and rooms take a while to load thanks to badly coded tiles and environment objects don't even appear anymore, so the only properly working 3.0 mods are the additional swords and stuff, some clock mods specifically made for 3.0 (since it has the speed potion), some bolt mods and a cursor mod that makes the cursor look like a dagger instead of a Really Big Sword (TM), and some specifically made general tile mods such as changed pressure plates and blah blah blah, then in 4.0 and later, only things really compatible is bolt mods and cursor mods, and for The Second Sky i think you can port the HUD overlay from Journey to Rooted Hold directly into The Second Sky. But JtRH still has some good mods, but it's not as great as the looks of the original game anyhow.
Unshattered like Iron.
Untamable like Water.
Unbeatable like Fire.
Unseen like Wind.
Unheard like Earth.
[Last edited by Gabrieloup at 12-12-2014 06:07 PM]