DROD CHALLENGE LEAGUE, SEASON 1, CHALLENGE 5: A Frozen, Fluffy and Fearsome Finale
Icy Underworld - 5 North
C h a l l e n g e ! |
Create as many distinct fluff blobs as possible, and clear the room. |
Distinct blobs are counted at the end of the room, so if multiple blobs connect, they're considered 1.
Fluff blobs are counted at the end of the demo, i.e. the move on which you exit the room.
1 jg9000 350
2 blorx1 260
3 Red-XIII 240
4 Someone Else 180
5 The spitemaster 140
6 Wyv 120
7 Doom 100
8 KevG 70
8 DezzTech 70
10 Nuntar 40
11 bomber50 20
12 jamesdenem 10
13 TripleM 10
So first off, what is this?
This is a test run of the DROD Challenge League. If there's interest, we'll continue with Season 1 and onward.
The rules are simple: complete the challenge, record a demo, submit it to me along with your score (upload it to wherever, then PM me the link). Depending on the number of people that submit demos, this may or may not be on the honor system, but know that your demo, combined with your claimed score, will be posted publicly when the challenge ends for anyone to verify.
How does league scoring work? Updated!
The ranking system works as follows. If you submit a demo for a challenge, you get points according to your place:
Place Points
1st 100
2nd 75
3rd 50
4th 40
5th 30
6th 20
7th or lower 10
Highest score wins (obviously), ties are broken by the number of 1st-place results, if this is still a tie, they're broken by 2nd-place-or-better results, then 3rd-place-or-better results, etc. In the unlikely event that even this sequence fails to break the tie, ties are broken at random. For an individual challenge's result, ties are broken by the number of moves used. Ties for an individual challenge are kept, awarding the tied points to all players involved.
What if I win?
I will buy the winner (of the league season, not just this specific challenge) their choice of the following:
-a DROD game of their choice (up to $10)
-a Steam game of their choice (up to $10)
-2 Smitemaster's Selection credits (worth...what do you know? $10. See a pattern here?)
-a year of CaravelNet
Cool, can I help?
Of course! PM me, depending on how many people participate I might need help verifying demos. Alternatively, send me a challenge.
What holds/levels does this season cover?
This season covers the first half of TSS (everything up to and including Lemming Beach in Chapter 6.) All rooms there, including secrets, are fair game. There will be 5 challenges this season.
Once (adv.): Enough.
Twice (adv.): Once too often.
~Ambrose Bierce,
The Devil's Dictionary
[Last edited by Pinnacle at 10-10-2014 02:44 AM]