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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Unimportance Token (Not an anti power token)
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 07-18-2009
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icon Unimportance Token (0)  
This is probably a really odd idea, but I think it could add some puzzle potential.

What I'm picturing is a token that allows certain entities to die without triggering the room restart/death sequence. For example, if you step on this token, you and a clone dies, the room doesn't end as long as you have at least one other clone(active or inactive) in the room. This token would also apply if the player stabs halph or if a required hero character died.

Perhaps this would just be weird and make the canon even weirder, but I'm sure someone would find a use for it. I would want to use it to let monsters cross a lot of otherwise uncrossable things, and accomplish some interesting effects.

If you need to think outside of the box, then you didn't build a good enough box.
06-30-2013 at 05:56 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-28-2004
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icon Re: Unimportance Token (0)  
I like the idea of being able to let the game continue even when a critical hero dies. I am not sure if a token is the best idea - I can't quite explain why, but I err on the side of making tokens affect things that step on them rather than changing the state of the whole room, or make it things that make sense to be stepped on multiple times, or where accessing it is part of the puzzle.

And while of course one could argue in this specific case you could make a room where you need to reach the token before something happens, but I think in most cases it'd be used from the 0th turn. Which is why I think a scripting command would work better. "Room Imperative" perhaps, which in the future could be expanded to support more things.

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11-04-2020 at 01:28 PM
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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Unimportance Token (Not an anti power token)
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