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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : A few varied suggestions (from aesthetic ones to monsters and tokens)
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Level: Roachling
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Registered: 07-02-2005
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icon A few varied suggestions (+1)  
1.- My first suggestion: allow for "picture" versions of mostly every tier, not only floor, wall and pit. A picture water with a sunken ship in the bottom, an inferno-themed picture hot tile...

2.- Layered mapping. You have the option to put picture pit under trapdoors, bridges or the like.

3.- Different types of tiles for different shallow water properties, so we can easily combine them in the same room.

4.- Drawbridges. They are like doors, but alternate pit/floor instead of wall/floor. When they are retracted, their cables and polleys could be visible.

5.- Specters. Monsters that can cross floor and walls, but not pit (not sure about water). Immune to swords and explosions, but can die by taking the floor from beneath them. They can pass through other monsters, but are affected by force arrows. They move as serpents (not diagonally), and don't move when Beethro is looking right to them (more dangerous with oremites or disarm tokens, or with other monsters)

6.- Graves. They are breakable objects. Every grave can be connected to one or more Specters (like orbs to yellow doors). Destroying a grave kills every connected Specter.

7.- Teleporters. They are oriented in one of the 4 cardinal directions. When stepping on them, Beethro teleports to the adjacent room in the direction the tunel faces (if any), and can be placed as a mimic. Useful to connect different sections of a level in a new way.

8.- Teleporter rotator token. Adding depth to teleporters.

9.- Tunnel rotator token. Adding complexity to tunnel puzzles :P

10.- Tarstuff empowering token. When activated, tarstuff can grow over walls. Useful for navigating those pesky 2-wide tar gauntlets, or for crossing mud gauntlets without opening black doors.

11.- Ghost room tokens. The most basic version I can think about (let's call it blue) makes the room count as conquered by default. It's only useful with tarstuff. When you leave with a living tarstuff baby, the room is "unconquered" and the monsters appear in subsequent visits. I can think of the following applications:
-Don't disturb the tarstuff: If you create tarstuff babies (with bombs, for example), then it'll be far more difficult or impossible to cross to room X.
-Need help: You can need the room monsters so your mimic can use them to reach the orbs.
-Sister Green Doors are closed: So you need to first reach the tarstuff, hit it, leave the room, go through the room while the door is open and later conquer the room.
--Also, there could be a yellow version (doesn't count as conquered for blue and master door purposes, when unconquered it becomes a blue token, so you must unconquer it) and even a red version (as the yellow one, but doesn't count as conquered even for green walls, so you must unconquer and conquer to open it)
08-18-2012 at 11:55 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-12-2004
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icon Re: A few varied suggestions (0)  
I feel at some point if I can unconquer a room, and have to flip a token that conquers and unconquers a room, and then there's a token that flips whether or not a token conquers or unconquers a room, and then I have to use that token repeatedly to flip conquer and unconquer, then the words token and conquer no longer actually look like words.
08-18-2012 at 01:13 PM
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Level: Roachling
Rank Points: 11
Registered: 07-02-2005
IP: Logged
icon Re: A few varied suggestions (0)  
You don't actually have to use the token to unconquer the room. It's like a persistent citizent movement token, its presence modifies the room. To unconquer it you just generate tar babies and exit the room, as normal.

[Last edited by Treelior at 08-18-2012 02:36 PM]
08-18-2012 at 01:53 PM
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