Have a new pack of demos(attachment removed since architect got 'em). List of demos provided, and some comments, are in secret tag:
Ruins 3N 1E - fairly sure I'm still not doing what you intended, as changes between my old demo and this one are minimal.
Ruins: Entrance: this time, solution wasn't trivial. However, I'm wondering whether it's fully intended. Why passage at 1,1-14,1? Why orbs at 26,3; 17,8; 14,28; 34,22? Just red herrings?
Ruins: 1N 3W - .zip contains two demos for this room of a bit different solutions. I didn't need to get adder through passage-with-decoy in either of those solutions, which makes me wonder whether they are intended. Neither of them are trivial, though.
Burning Sands: Entrance: Since you wondered how I saved two trapdoors, I've included demo for this room in .zip as well.
And, some comments:
I haven't tried to replay Ruins 1W yet, but I'll note that, if I blow up bomb at 27,20, I can light the fuse by stepping at 27,19 instead of 29,30. Not sure it helps much, but still.
Scripting in Ruins 2W looks OK for me, by the way. I think the only way player
could "
there a bit is by stabbing monster while on land and then immediately moving on water and stabbing another one(since you have "
wait 1"
command there - I'm not sure if it's actually needed here), but that doesn't help much. Oh, and it's hard to see on minimap whether that room is required or not. Some people complained about such rooms(about "
Lava Gates"
level in Complex Complex, for example, where it's pretty much impossible to see), so maybe you might want to fix that(by carving some floor instead of wall in any part of the room or by changing bridge with floor).
The hard-to-see-whether-room-is-required applies to 3N 1W, too. That room was kinda quick, though, so I didn't really mind it there.
I've just looked at Ruins 1E in editor and noticed that there's secret wall at 6,5-36,5. Any reason why? As for the room itself, it wasn't too hard, but still rather fun.
2N was suprisingly tricky for what it looked like. I also like that it's easy to see when I've failed due to pressure plate toggling the lights. Nicely done.
2N 2W is another nice room, it had me stumped until I noticed that
Click here to view the secret text
×I can kill seep at 22,13-23,13 and 24,14-24,15 by myself due to force arrows they are on
The planning-where-to-put-next-decoy bit wasn't trivial either.