Level 6 was a very interesting level. It took a single room template and created 3 different puzzles for each room. In that spirit, I issue my challenge to all Master Architects.
Build a hold like Level 6 where the room templates are the same, but each room is different via enemies and door associations. To make it more challenging - see how many consecutive ones you can place in a row that each have different solutions. My requirements are:
1. The room has to be basically the same. If there is one or two minor changes, I probably won't care.
2. Have at
least 4 consecutive rooms. The more the better, but please have them significantly different.
3. Please leave your hold Anyone-Edit. If turnout is good, I may make a collaboration hold with all of them together.
4. Use the whole room area. Don't just have a 6x6 square in the middle with a different enemie each time.
5. Make sure that the solution to each room is 50-100 moves off of the previous and next room.
6. Adding a different monster each time is NOT considered a different room. I'd like to see it be at least 5 monsters different from the other one. Wraithwings are excellent to add to rooms with pits.
Sounds pretty easy, eh? I'll be suprised if anyone does it, but it is an interesting proposition. I'll be posting one up soon as well. Have fun!
[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 08-11-2004 at 01:10 AM GMT: Added #3]
[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 08-15-2004 at 09:30 PM GMT]
[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 08-16-2004 at 12:03 AM GMT]
--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.