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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : A few half-formed ideas (wherein maybe someone out there can flesh these out?)
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icon A few half-formed ideas (+1)  
As I stated with the topic title, these are three baby ideas, but I haven't been able to flesh them out to the point where they would be real, valuable additions. But maybe someone else out there might get a good idea based off of one of my almost-an-idea ideas.

Flying Roaches: I was musing over the fact that, despite having wings, Eighth roaches apparently don't fly. Then I was thinking that maybe there could be a third kind of roach. A little smaller and with proportionally bigger wings that could fly over limited distances. They're not Wraithwings. They can only go maybe one or two squares (maybe more?) over water or pit before they have to land. If not, they fall into the water or pit and are dead.
The "But": The problem I see here is, why would this be interesting if you can kill them with your sword? Flying Roaches that start out across the room may end up dying on their own, but if they get close enough to you, you just turn and stab them without having to lure them to a pit or anything. And there are only so many "lure the roach over the pit because you can't get over to where they are" type puzzles you can do before it gets old. Maybe if they were immune to your sword, but that sounds like a cheat. So, no, I don't see this one adding much as-is.

Mindless Drones: The Drone is not an enemy. It's similar to the Fegundo in that you control it by the way you face after stepping on a power token. But the drone can't fly. If you walk it toward pit or water, he walks right in and you lose a helper. This could be used to add a different type of concern when running a "remote maze" type challenge.
The "But": However, while I like the concept, I don't see how this adds a significant element beyond what we already have with Fegundos. You can already lose your Fegundo by allowing it to explode over pit or water.

Roc: This one came to me about the same time as the Drones. It's based on the Fegundo, but without the "explode on contact" element. When it comes to a wall on a diagonal, rather than stopping and blowing up, it slides across the wall with the same type of heuristcs as, say, a Mimic. And since it doesn't explode and re-emerge, you don't get the five free turns to move or re-orient yourself if you need it. It kills other enemies by flying over them and triggers orbs by flying into them.
The "But": Again, I don't see that it adds much to the game over what Fegundos already bring to the table. I like the idea of trying to guide both Fegundos and Rocs down independent "remote maze" challenges concurrently, where the Fegundos will hit the wall and explode while, at the same time, the Rocs will slide across the wall while the Fegundos are being reborn. But I don't see that adding much to the game.

Numbers 2 and 3 are kind of there because I'd like to see another creature added to the game with the same movement rules as the Fegundos. Roaches share their movement with the Spiders, Eyes, and the Tar and Mud babies. Gel babies, Golems, and Wubbas move the same. And obviously there are the three different snakes. Now it's true that Goblins, Wraithwings, Slayers and Guards all have unique movement rules, so if we don't add another creature to share the Fegundo's movement, it's fine.

Anyway, as I said, I'm not perfectly happy with any of these ideas the way they are, but maybe someone else out there sees a way they could be modified to be something great for DROD.

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03-20-2012 at 03:03 AM
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Someone Else
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icon Re: A few half-formed ideas (+1)  
I do like the Roc idea. Maybe if had had some other interesting property... ignoring force arrows?
03-20-2012 at 08:35 PM
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icon Re: A few half-formed ideas (+1)  
Possibly. That's at least a bigger step away from the Fegundo.

Or maybe it can fly over snake segments as long as it's not the head? Probably not.

[And you know I didn't literally mean I needed a response from you specifically when I said "someone else", right?] ;)

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[Last edited by Garlonuss at 03-21-2012 12:07 AM]
03-21-2012 at 12:05 AM
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icon Re: A few half-formed ideas (0)  
Okay, how about this change to the Flying Roaches:

I said they were smaller than other roaches. Maybe they're too small to actually hurt you, so they're no longer dangerous to you, but turns out you can't kill them with your sword. You can, however, push them around like a mirror. They can then be used like wubbas that don't stick to the walls and can be pushed around like a portable obstacle. But these obstacles don't stay where you put them unless you can get them to the other side of a wall or something they can't fly over and fall into.

This also means that, since they do have possible uses, the player can have a reason to keep them from accidentally flying into oblivion before they are used properly.

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03-21-2012 at 05:33 PM
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