masonjason wrote:
2E - nice, brainless slashfest. It's easy to do without the mimics, though.
Yeah, but its both faster and more entertaining with them.
1N 1E - same, fun in a simple way but easy. In fact, I could say the same about most of the rooms on the level.
Good. As long as most of the rooms are fun, then the hold is a success. I wasn't aiming for hard, after all.
1N 1W: you can just carve out a two-square-wide hole, open all the doors, and slash away. Is this intended?
I noticed you can do this. It was intended to be a "
make your own cover"
room, but I didn't realise that there was one perfect type of cover until I had already made it. Mabey I'll put in a challenge scroll (still won't be very challenging, but it'll be moreso).
2N 1W: I like this one. The timing window is quite small - admittedly I'm not the most efficient DROD player, but I got to the tar with less than a single spawn cycle to go. The placement of the brain also makes for entertaining nick-of-time killing.
I liked it too. I shortened the timing window so you have to use most or all of the cracked wlaas to reach it in time. I usually have two or three cycles (actually, its always the same number, I just don't remember which it is). And many times I've gotten killed by the blob in the lower right, which was the last thing I added-- he grows as I'm passing and I force it to make a baby behind me by accident. Did this happen to you?
Edit one hour later: I whittled down the roaches in the room that you said had too many, and I changed some of the walls in 1N 1W to solid, then added a challenge to only do horizontal cuts (still at least two easy ways).
Also, now that I have feedback on the first one, its time to submit my second level for review. Its got a plot to drive it, unlike most holds (by this I mean a plot which isn't all revealed at the start and which determines the areas). I could have cut the first level off without hurting the plot, but they also could have made dugan's dungeon 15 levels. Sometimes length is important.
[Edited by Brickman on 07-08-2004 at 04:37 PM GMT]