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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
Tomorrow, should I post my squawking in .ogg or .mp3? More people can handle mp3, but ogg is smaller, right?

It's so awful...
06-16-2004 at 02:42 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Please post mp3s if possible - I can't play ogg files, and I don't want to download any new software if I can avoid it. The forum doesn't have a space problem anymore so a somewhat larger file shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
06-16-2004 at 03:03 AM
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File: Straight Jacket Delver.mp3 (3 MB)
Downloaded 512 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+2)  
Well, here it is. My first entry. Not sure if its the last, as I still have a week to crank out another one. A few things to note:

- If you decided not to download the attached file of me singing (which is probably wise), the time during the song at which each line begins is displayed below.

- The file with me singing is really quiet... you'll need to really turn up those speakers.

- It's not my natural voice, but unfortunately the slight lisp on the S's is real. :P

- The times below are accurate for settledown.s3m included with Caravel DROD. The times are incorrect in the file with my "singing," and they may be incorrect with the .mp3 version of settledown that Schik was kind enough to upload for me.

- Also, the settledown.s3m distributed with Caravel DROD is twice the length of the mp3 Schik uploaded, so if you're listening to that mp3 with these lyrics, the music will play twice.

"Straight Jacket Delver"
settledown.s3m - Caravel DROD
Music by Erik Hermansen,
Vocals by Clayton Weiss,
sung like an over-tired goth kid with laryngitis.

0:18 - You can't know what I've seen...
0:26 - You weren't where I have been...

0:51 - King Dugan's majesty...
0:58 - 'Neather's fatality...

1:05 - In that hole, I had seen such vile things.
1:13 - Now I fear, haunted by my own breath-ing.

1:21 - Pale sharp teeth, tearing flesh from the bone.
1:29 - Glaring eyes, making me long for home... home.

1:54 - The black wings from afar...
2:03 - The living, growing tar...

2:26 - The goblins after me...
2:34 - And critters I can't see...

2:41 - Crimson tails, I could not even fight.
2:49 - Neuron blobs, Omnipresent delight... Right!

2:57 - Now I'm here, padded walls to my cell.
3:05 - Rooted Hold?  There is more to that hell?... Swell.

06-16-2004 at 02:32 PM
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File: monster_ballad.s3m (648.4 KB)
Downloaded 523 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+2)  
Nice Clayton. I really like it.

I have also created a song. All the voices in the song are mine. It's in .s3m format, because that was the easiest way to do the style of song that I chose. If you have Winamp, it plays .s3m's just great. It is meant as one of those campfire songs where each group/person sings a different part so it sounds cool. The lyrics are kind of repetive, but its made to be that way.

Without further adu, here it is:

"Monster Ballad"
Music by Erik Hermansen
Voices by John Williams

Roaches, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-roaches, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-roaches, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-roaches, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-roaches.

Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Snakes, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Snakes, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Snakes, Spiders, Spiders, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Evil Eyes.

'Neather! 'N-N-N-N-Neather!

Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Snakes, Spiders, Spiders, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers, Goblins, Brains, Goblins, Brains, Snakes, Spiders, Spiders, Evil Eyes.
Tar Mothers... 'Neather!
06-16-2004 at 11:36 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Yeah, now that I think of it, I'll probably make another where I actually sing, and not just speak. So yeah. I hope some more people put in entries. DROD based songs are pretty catchy.
06-17-2004 at 04:53 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Worry not, Zmann. I've got a super-catchy one well in the works. Hopefully my voice doesn't wind up detracting from it's catchiness.

06-17-2004 at 06:07 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
ClaytonW wrote:
- Also, the settledown.s3m distributed with Caravel DROD is twice the length of the mp3 Schik uploaded, so if you're listening to that mp3 with these lyrics, the music will play twice.

Actually, at the end of the .s3m file there is a command to go back to the beginning. Now, Winamp is smart and says, "Okay, I'll do that the first time, but I won't do it a second." Winamp only repeats it once then stops.

Of course, if you get Winamp 5, it doesn't even repeat it a first time... so in actuality the song is exactly the same length in both formats, Winamp just handles it differently. :thumbsup
06-17-2004 at 06:26 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
I'm currently having issues recording my voice let alone figuring out how Adobe Audition works. I'll post my lyrics here, but they don't follow the keyboard part I'm singing to exactly, so this could certainly benefit from a sung version. I'll keep working on it.

Deadly Rooms of Death
set to the Webfoot title music
insert proper citation here

Where did my life go?
I lost it to this
Where did my life go?
I lost it to this

D-R-O-D dot net
Have to say I downloaded it
One install would probably change my life for good
When I started
I knew it was just a game
It stole my brain and I was never the same
All the roaches sing…

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
Beethro’s in a mess
Monsters to his neck
Take that sword you heft
Swing it right and left
Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
Is it over yet?
Twenty levels left
Stop and take a breath
Then get on with it
Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death

I kept starting over
Lost the month of October
And everyone kept telling me to get up from my chair
But I didn’t
That was the way things were to be
And all my friends they gave up on me
All the mimics sing…

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
Guaranteed you’ll get
Lots more blood for less
Grab your washcloths, yes
It’s a gruesome mess
Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
I can take a rest
Finally managed it
He’ll be so impressed
Dugan’s so in debt
Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death

Let’s break it down for a bit…

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
I’m one of the vets
Song participant
Fifty rank points gets
Forum prominence
Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death

Deadly Rooms of Death
Deadly Rooms of Death
I am of the best
I am so obsessed
Tattoos on my chest
Need to be confessed
Deadly Rooms of Death
They’re the deadliest

06-17-2004 at 09:28 AM
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File: lev5-awe (Arrangement) - (85.4 KB)
Downloaded 485 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+2)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
The DJ says get your back up off the wall. :)


To my great embarassment, I have!

It's a bit rubbish, looking at the other suggestions/entries, but this is probably the best I can do. The individual "groups of lyrics are arranged in a similar layout to sections of the piece, which does have "verses" and "choruses" marked in the .mid file, but in terms of the words themselves, there are no real verses or choruses. However, here goes:

"I am the Smitemaster"
Music by Lars Kristian Aasbrenn
Lyrics by Wesley Chua

Introduction (0:10)
I am the Smitemaster.

Link passage 1 (0:24)
Deep under the Eighth I smite
The creatures of dungeon death.

Link passage 2 (0:56)
Far from light, they snap and bite,
And I pause, holding my breath.

"Verse" 1 (1:18 )
Then I swing forth,
They turn to froth.
The horde recedes,
And they soon face defeat.

"Chorus" 1 (2:00)
They all die, I am victorious!
The green door opens, and I go through.

Link passage 3 (2:21)
In the next room there are more,
Queens making roaches galore.

"Verse" 2 (2:43)
Hundreds spawning,
They come surging.
I move into
An alcove to break through.

"Chorus" 2 (3:25)
There I kill them so efficiently,
The room clears quickly; I am finished.

"Chorus" 3 and 4 (4:09)
Another room drowned in thick blue Tar,
It grows and engulfs me soon after.
But I stand so Tar Babies can't form,
Then I rush to kill the Tar Mother.

Major link passage (4:51)
I must continue to do my job,
Through day and night, I can never stop
Facing death constantly to protect the
Eighthers that live peacefully above me.

"Chorus" 5 and 6 (5:12)
Brains find me quickly and send the hordes,
But I face them and smite them faster.
However monsters make their attack,
I shall not fall; I am the Smitemaster.

Not all of the words follow the piece directly everywhere, so for those who are musical, the arranged part for voice is attached to the post for you to look at if you so wish.

If the DJ is lucky, he may get a recording of me singing this, although nothing's guaranteed, since although a musician, I am quite embarassed about the thought of posting a recording of me singing on the internet. However, since two (three?) people have already volunteered to post their recordings, it's sort of an incentive to do so too.



[Edited by agaricus5 on 06-17-2004 at 01:09 PM GMT]

[Edited by agaricus5 on 06-17-2004 at 01:32 PM GMT]

Error fixed.

[Edited by agaricus5 on 06-17-2004 at 01:38 PM GMT]

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-17-2004 at 02:08 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Yeah Wesley, if you posted a file of you singing it that'd be great. I'm not that musically talented, and I can't exactly picture how it sounds. Bleh, what do those black dot thingies with the sticks mean anyway?
06-17-2004 at 04:22 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
Zmann wrote:
"Monster Ballad"

Awesome! Truly awesome, perhaps not lyrical genius, but actually earning a spot on my uberplaylist. Be honored, there's only some 4400 songs on that list.


"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government
and business." - Tom Robbins
06-17-2004 at 04:28 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Drizzo wrote:
Zmann wrote:
"Monster Ballad"

Awesome! Truly awesome, perhaps not lyrical genius, but actually earning a spot on my uberplaylist. Be honored, there's only some 4400 songs on that list.


What is that?!

It's rather clever manipulation of a sound file and lots of sound editing, but I wouldn't say it much resembles music. Personally, I think it's clever, but I don't really like it since it actually sounds like a sort of electronic type of experimental or aleatoric music.

Still it's novel, if not exactly musical.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-17-2004 at 04:37 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
agaricus5 wrote:
What is that?!

It's rather clever manipulation of a sound file and lots of sound editing, but I wouldn't say it much resembles music. Personally, I think it's clever, but I don't really like it since it actually sounds like a sort of electronic type of experimental or aleatoric music.

Still it's novel, if not exactly musical.

I dread to think what your comments will be on my epic composition B-Thrizzle's 9mm (Ice Cube's Westside Mix) due out in late June on Death Row records.

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government
and business." - Tom Robbins
06-17-2004 at 04:44 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Drizzo wrote:
agaricus5 wrote:
What is that?!

It's rather clever manipulation of a sound file and lots of sound editing, but I wouldn't say it much resembles music. Personally, I think it's clever, but I don't really like it since it actually sounds like a sort of electronic type of experimental or aleatoric music.

Still it's novel, if not exactly musical.

I dread to think what your comments will be on my epic composition B-Thrizzle's 9mm (Ice Cube's Westside Mix) due out in late June on Death Row records.
Well, it's going to have to be almost pitchless randomness with no discernible usage of musical feature to get a much worse review from me. A lot of music of that sort to me is negative in the sense that I personally don't like that sort of thing, but it is also slightly positive in the sense that I can understand why it is considered music by other people. Unless you have thrown something so random and unmusical together is a few minutes and passed it off as "music", I really don't think I could review it as badly as you may believe.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-17-2004 at 04:56 PM
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File: Dungeon Danger.mp3 (4.5 MB)
Downloaded 452 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
Here's my entry:

-The lyrics cover the whole song
-The recording isn't that good, I know. The combination of a 15 year old singing into a 7 year old mic using 3 year old software doesn't work that good, but it gets the point across.

Music - Erik Hermansen
Lyrics - Patrick Fisher
File - TheSpaces.s3m/Dungeon Danger.mp3

**************DUNGEON DANGER***************

0:04 Dungeon time; it’s dungeon time; it’s dungeon time; it’s dungeon time;
0:12 Dungeon time; it’s dungeon time; it’s dungeon time; it’s dungeon time;

0:16 Walking down that dungeon hallway,
Walls on all four sides of me
Walking down that dungeon hallway,
Worrying when I’ll be free

0:33 What can I do now?
Where can I go?
What can I do now?
I’ll fight, I’ll fight!

0:48 King Dugan waits now,
Roaches I must kill.

1:04 Spiders, snakes,
Evil tar, tar babies, goblins too
Are waiting there for me,

1:12 With my sword,
I want them, out of here, out of sight,
Out of mind, but there are

1:20 Spiders, snakes,
Evil tar, tar babies, goblins too
They’re waiting there for me,

1:28 With my sword,
I want them, out of here, out of sight,
Out of mind, I want them


2:08 I am here, waiting [2X]

2:24 Dark and cold
I am here, fighting them, with my sword,
They never go away

2:32 All of this,
For a king, barely seems worth the risk,
Yet I do it still, now.

2:40 Dark and cold
I am here, fighting them, with my sword,
They never go away

2: 48 Dark and cold.
I live.


4:00 Why must I live with it?
Will I live right through it?
How will I get through it?
Why must I go do it?
(Repeated till song end)

[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 06-17-2004 at 05:33 PM GMT: Added file]

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
06-17-2004 at 04:57 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
agaricus5 wrote:
Well, it's going to have to be almost pitchless randomness with no discernible usage of musical feature to get a much worse review from me. A lot of music of that sort to me is negative in the sense that I personally don't like that sort of thing, but it is also slightly positive in the sense that I can understand why it is considered music by other people. Unless you have thrown something so random and unmusical together is a few minutes and passed it off as "music", I really don't think I could review it as badly as you may believe.

Unfortunately the rules of the contest don't much allow for that... now perhaps if I could just modify the sound effects from the game, I could do something, but it's only a lyrical task here... But never underestimate the lack of musical discernment present in an aphex twin/residents fan.

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government
and business." - Tom Robbins
06-17-2004 at 05:10 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Whew... I was hoping my song would appeal to someone.

I was scared everyone would pass me off as a total nut (wouldn't be the first time).

Heh, Drizzo. I salute you.

(Now, if I can pull the rest of you in with my normal song that's in creation. Mwhaha!) :evil:

[Edited by Zmann on 06-17-2004 at 04:36 PM GMT]
06-17-2004 at 05:35 PM
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File: Whistler.MP3 (1.1 MB)
Downloaded 752 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+3)  
As promised, here is me singing Whistler. Oh, do I hate listening to a recording of me singing. And you will quickly learn to hate it too. Lyrics are in my previous post if you can't make out what I'm saying.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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06-17-2004 at 06:30 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Can I ask 2 things Erik?

1. What is the link for the upcoming songs in JtRH/other version of DROD that were on the website before?

2. Can you use them?

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
06-17-2004 at 06:49 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
1. What is the link for the upcoming songs in JtRH/other version of DROD that were on the website before?
2. Can you use them?
No, I asked Emmett about it and he said he would think about it, but hasn't replied back. In the absence of his permission, we shouldn't use his songs for this contest.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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06-17-2004 at 07:33 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+2)  
Go ahead, man. I reserve the right to take what you write and sing it in harmony when you're done, though. :)


Emmett Plant, Composer
Funkbunny Studios & Caravel Software
06-17-2004 at 08:01 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
Drizzo wrote:
Unfortunately the rules of the contest don't much allow for that... now perhaps if I could just modify the sound effects from the game, I could do something, but it's only a lyrical task here... But never underestimate the lack of musical discernment present in an aphex twin/residents fan.
Note that you could make something tremendously cool which would be inadmissable into the contest, but inherently worthwhile and admirable despite that.

BTW, my wife has a Richard D. James phobia. I can freak her out every time by singing "I.... want your soullllllllll". HehhehHeh... So many buttons to push.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
06-17-2004 at 08:11 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Thank you Emmett!!!

And just to let you know, I'm using the Beethro vs. Serpent file.

Thanks again!!!!!! :thumbsup

Edit: BTW...
1. I won't be posting the file on the board, just linking to the Caravel page on your site

2. I won't be singing over it...I don't want to wreck g good piece of music :?

[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 06-18-2004 at 03:33 PM GMT: BTW...]

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
06-18-2004 at 01:27 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1) one's posted a song in awhile. Now I really hate to do this, seeing as I realized that I was the last person to post a song, but I've made another entry based on the FABULOUS music that Funkbunny is using in the next DROD. The file used is 'newserpent.ogg' and is found at Funkbunny Studios. If you can't listen to ogg's, then head to DbPoweramp and get the music converter, a very handy program I use a lot.(Note: you may need to get the ogg codec at Codec Central there as well)

Anyway, enough of me is is
(BTW : I WILL NOT be singing it for sooooo many reasons :blush )

DROD Jambouree
Music - Funkbunny Studios
Lyrics - Patrick Fisher

-All note corrispond to the piano\\instrument that does the melody. All verses have the same melody, so I only wrote exact times for the first verse, then on top I put the starting time for each verse(the second one is the repeat time)...Any questions on melody just ask's a very fast song and is hard to write exact times for...sorry!

0.07, 0.21
[Verse 1 - Serpents]
0.07 Red Serpent
0.10 So long
0.12 Twistin' round the place
0.14 Stop!
0.15 Right into a trap
0.16 Three walls are surrounding you, there's
0.17 No way out (Hold note)

0.35 Here they come
0.36 Coming towards me with no..o..o escape
0.39 I just cannot run
0.42 What can I do?
0.43 Monsters are at all four sides of me
0.49 They are trapping me
0.50 I must leave this place right now..ow but my job...
0.54 My orders
0.56 Say otherwise
0.57 How can I leave this place alive?

1.02, 1.16
[Verse 2 - Evil Eyes]
Evil eye
Just look
In one direc...
Over by the wall
While I sneak up right behind you
To your death (hold note)

1.31 - [Bridge]

1:44, 1:58
[Verse 3 - Tar]
Living Tar
You grow
Trapping me inside
It is time to chop
My way out of this dilema
Like a maze(hold note)

2:12, 2:26
[Verse 4 - Goblin]
Dodging mighty sword... with
Come o'er here
For a lesson soon forgotton
Torture time! (Hold note)

2:40 - [Chorus]

3:08, 3:22
[Verse 5]
Rooted Hold
Is next
Monsters unheard of...
For me to enter
And experience the madness
Challenging! (Hold note)

-This verse I made after looking at the Beta test gag on the news forum(I was a victim...) I decided to make us our own Easter Egg for the next version of DROD
(Just like Matt promised!)

[Gag Verse(Replace verse 5 if wanted)]

Rooted Hold
We want
Let us beta test...
Let us play it now
For we are really anxious and....
April Fools!(Hold note)

[Edited by gamer_extreme_101 on 06-20-2004 at 04:59 PM GMT]

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
06-20-2004 at 05:57 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Apologies, but I won't be able to enter this contest before the deadline - I've been having computer trouble.

Eighty people came to the bazaar.
06-21-2004 at 07:13 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
I'm trying to piece together a recording, but it's fuzzy (I'm trying to find a way around it) and I tend to go really sharp or flat in important places with intervals larger than a third.

Is it still okay to submit a recording after the contest has begun, or must I get it in now during the preparation stage?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-21-2004 at 10:34 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
Unfortunately, I also suspect I will not be able to enter this contest before the deadline, as I now have a job with insane hours, and a few other commitments as well. I work for 14 hours tomorrow. Good money, bad sleeping habits...

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06-21-2004 at 10:35 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (+1)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I'm trying to piece together a recording, but it's fuzzy (I'm trying to find a way around it) and I tend to go really sharp or flat in important places with intervals larger than a third.

What software are you using? I had that problem with a couple of pieces of software. Secondly, do you know what kind of soundcard you have? If you know, I'll try and help...

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
06-22-2004 at 03:20 AM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
Is it still okay to submit a recording after the contest has begun, or must I get it in now during the preparation stage?
It's fine to post it at any point, since it isn't really part of the entry that is voted on.


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06-22-2004 at 06:41 PM
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icon Re: Songs of the Eighth. (0)  
gamer_extreme_101 wrote:
What software are you using? I had that problem with a couple of pieces of software. Secondly, do you know what kind of soundcard you have? If you know, I'll try and help...

It's not the actual sound that's a problem. I have a Santa Cruz sound card and am recording using a trial version of Goldwave, using a Logitech Webcam to record (which I suspect is where the fuzziness is coming from). The problem is that I'm recording me singing live to the music, so I am playing the music on my speakers and singing to it while recording. I don't really want to sing separately to it and then overlay my voice to the music, because without a reference point to sing to, I tend to misjudge intervals and sing too high or low. If you know of any software that can do pitch correcting to make my voice in tune, then I'll reconsider my strategy.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-22-2004 at 08:42 PM
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