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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Hints and Solutions : Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East
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icon Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
Wondering if someone would be willing share the plate order (or a demo) for this mastery version of the room.

34th Skywatcher

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01-12-2009 at 06:54 AM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
Going to request a hint on this one of the same sort, I think. This is literally the *only* room in this hold that I haven't solved, and I can't seem to make any headway on it.

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04-30-2013 at 05:37 PM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (+1)  
I'll give you a few slight nudges then. The room definitely forces you to learn a few tricks in guiding the Queen's path, and you have some *very* tight corners to make.

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04-30-2013 at 07:54 PM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
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OK, so I'm operating on the assumption that this is the correct sequence for the first four plates... if so, I'm still stuck; the roach gets as far as 3, then gets caught on the corner, as I can't seem to get it to curve around and back to hit 4. Is there some trick I just haven't worked out yet?

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[Last edited by Hikari at 05-01-2013 11:24 AM]
05-01-2013 at 11:23 AM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (+2)  
Hikari wrote:
OK, so I'm operating on the assumption that this is the correct sequence for the first four plates... if so, I'm still stuck; the roach gets as far as 3, then gets caught on the corner, as I can't seem to get it to curve around and back to hit 4. Is there some trick I just haven't worked out yet?
Hmmm... how about I talk a bit about brained Roach Queen movement here.

From 1N1E, we know that brained Roach Queens always with to move diagonally, in the opposite direction to where the shortest path to you is, and any orthogonal direction is turned towards the center lines.

For a Roach Queen to head in a westerly direction, the path to you must be either NE/E/SE, or if it's N/S then the Roach Queen must be east of the center of the room.

For a Roach Queen to head in a southerly direction, the path to you must be either NW/N/NE, or if it's W/E then the Roach Queen must be north of the center of the room.

You obviously can't have *sharp* diagonal corners: for example, there's no way to have a path that goes SW followed by SE, because at that corner, if the closest tile towards you is NE, the Queen will want to continue SW. So you usually have to turn it so it starts sliding S, then use the fact that it's west of the center lines to have it turn SE next turn. Of course, if the Queen is east of the center lines, then this isn't possible:
you can't get it to turn from SW to SE.

What if we want a sharper corner though? We can go (SW,S,SE), but what if we *really* don't have enough space for that? What if we really need that impossible (SW,SE)?

Well, we can't do (SW,SE). We *can* do (SW,S,E) though:
Here, the Queen enters the corner via the SW movement, and then seeing that the closest tile to you is to the NE, continues to try to go SW. It slides S though due to the wall. On the next turn, the closest tile to you is N, so assuming we're left of the center lines, it tries to head SE. This turns into a slide E due to another wall. On the turn after that, the closest tile to you is to the NW, so it will definitely try to go SE, which you can either convert to a slide E, or simply keep it continuing SE.


The center lines are always going to be important here, and space is going to be at a premium. You may find it a bit easier to plan parts of your route out in advance so you know how much space you have to work with when dealing with the trickier bits.
05-01-2013 at 01:24 PM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
Aha! Got it now, thanks. :) Don't know how I managed to go so long playing DROD without actually understanding how brained roach queen movement works...

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05-01-2013 at 05:19 PM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
demo please. I tried apply the above rules, but the mechanics of the game disagree with me.
11-12-2021 at 06:23 PM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
Here's a screenshot to save you switching back and forth all the time. :)
11-13-2021 at 08:47 AM
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icon Re: Advanced Concepts : Advanced Brain Movement : 8 North, 1 East (0)  
Thank you dearly. In my defense, I did try something like that, but It seems like I wasn't efficient enough.

[Last edited by Illusionist at 11-15-2021 07:40 AM]
11-15-2021 at 07:39 AM
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