It's me again! With another long post that I just simply don't know how to shorten!
I'm making
Prinnies, dood! Well, right now they just look like boxes with diagonal lines (I always make graphics last), but you can throw them and they explode.
Here's what's so interesting about how I coded them: The same NPC is an Accessory, a Weapon, and an enemy! Here's how it works:
Click here to view the secret text
×You pick up Prinny as an Accessory. Using it takes it out and lets you hold it like a weapon (but it will blow up if you attack with it). Each turn, your throwing power will increase, and you can throw it by using your new Accessory, "(Throw Prinny)", whose sole purpose is so that you can use Tab again (as opposed to Shift+Tab). When it is thrown, (Throw Prinny) is destroyed, and the Prinny Wpn will be replaced by a sprite Prinny that will fly forwards, deal bomb damage relative to your base attack, and die, all in one turn.
The code is still vrey mssesy and scrabmabambled. After the first glitch, which was DROD closing (see second post), I made lots of random changes without much thought. The code's an indecipherable mess, the Accessory Prinny claims to be a Sprite, and I'm getting this error:
Assertion error in line 2006 of .\TileImageCalcs.cpp: "
Unexpected accessory type."
Which occurs every single turn after equipping the Prinny Weapon, and when you open and close the Dialogue Window.
The nest post is about another bug: One that causes DROD to close.
Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.
[Last edited by Kwakstur at 12-08-2008 02:04 AM]