My version is, which is most recent according to the sticky.
I know that the game doesn't keep F4 modifications in demosate and that you said earler this is intended, but now it's causing errors:
I'm pretty sure the error has to do with this part of my hold, involving an NPC that asks a Question only if you have enough money:
×If you bump this one character, you can buy a briar-cutting sword from him for 12 greckles. Here's the code for the purchase sequence:
Click here to view the secret text
×Label Nvm
Wait 0
Wait for player to touch me
If ...
Wait until var "_GR" > 11
Answer option "Well, it is only 12 greckles...",Buy it
Answer option "I'll get back to you.",Nvm
Question What say you? 12 greckles to banish nature's wonders?
Speech "It's 12 greckles. Not $_GR$.",Normal,Self,0,.
Go to Nvm
If End
Label Buy it
Cut scene 1000
Speech "This better be good against Leg Traps!",Normal,Player,2000,.
Wait 4
Speech "Well...............",Normal,Self,2000,.
Wait 2
Speech "No refunds!",Normal,Self,1000,.
Set var "_GR" - 12
Equipment Swap Weapon Petalbane
Cut scene 0
If you F4 to set your _GR to 12 before talking to him, then regardless of whether you choose to buy it or not, if you undo at any point after answering the question, you will get an orb sound and a line will appear in the .err. Tendry will lose the sword if he chose to buy it, and if he cut any briars, they'll reappear.
I'm rather confident I have a good idea what the cause is:
In the modified gamestate, Tendry had 12 Greckles, and thus was asked the question. The answer to this question was recorded as input in the demo.
However, in demostate, F4 input was ignored, so Tendry had no money, meaning this question was never asked. I would assume that when the game then encounters the input for the question, it causes an error.
Also known as ExpHP everywhere else.