Well, this is bizarre. I had a go myself following his walkthrough exactly, and I got the same result you did.
These are the crucial lines (my notes in italics):
Get key and potion in 6S2W. HP 293, GR 3.
Get green key in 7S. HP 47.
(Involves killing two spiders. GR 3 + 16 = 19.)
Get key and potion in 5S1E. HP 61, ATK 29.
(Kill roach and wraithwing. GR 19 + 5 = 24. The key/ATK discrepancy is just a slip on Blondbeard's part, not a change to the room.)
Get potions and ATK in 6S1E. HP 155, ATK 30. (Worth it to sacrifice a yellow key here, I think).
(Kill roach and wraithwing. GR 24 + 5 = 29.)
Kill Stanley in 5S2E and get the potions. Checkpoint values 31/30/11/2/0/0. HP181.
(Stanley gives 20GR for a total of 49.)
Second floor:
Obtain ATK in 5S1E. HP 58, ATK 32
(Kill a spider. GR 49 + 8 = 57.)
First floor:
Obtain potion in 5S1W. HP 99 GR 67.
(Kill a roach. GR 57 + 2 = 59.)
But my playthrough ends up with the same HP as Blondbeard, so he
can't have different monsters in his version of the hold -- there are no one-shottable monsters this early on -- and it can't be anything to do with greckle gates because the difference is not a multiple of 10. So I really don't know what's happened.
However, don't be discouraged from continuing with the hold! Blondbeard's walkthrough is an example of how to play the hold optimally; you don't need to do anything like so well just to complete it.
50th Skywatcher
[Last edited by Nuntar at 02-07-2009 12:53 AM]