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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : New computer, must I pay again for TCB?
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Seventh Grave
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icon New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
I do realize there is probably another topic created asking the same question, if so please give me a link as I did not find it.

Also, I do realize that this may not be the right board to post on, and if so, please tell me which board I should be posting on.

I bought a new computer and I want to put DROD: TCB on it and I already paid for TCB on my old computer (and still have the email/receipts for it). Do I have to pay for another download or is there another way around this?
09-27-2008 at 05:30 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
nope, try hitting the downloads section.
09-27-2008 at 06:26 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
I searched and found this link to a previous comparable topic:

It would seem that you're in good shape as long as you have retained the e-mail which contains the link to the full version of DROD TCB; simply click on it and download it again.

09-27-2008 at 06:31 AM
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Seventh Grave
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
Lamkin wrote:
IIt would seem that you're in good shape as long as you have retained the e-mail which contains the link to the full version of DROD TCB; simply click on it and download it again.


I tried doing so and the error message I get is...

"Cannot download

This product is no longer available for download, this may be due to the maximum number of allowed attempts exceeded or the allotted time.
Please contact the manufacturer of the product for support."

That was copy paste.

As for NiroZ, download section? I am only given the option to download the demo or buy it.
09-27-2008 at 06:56 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
Click the Downloads link under the Caravel Forum banner.
09-27-2008 at 06:57 AM
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Seventh Grave
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
CuriousShyRabbit wrote:
Click the Downloads link under the Caravel Forum banner.
... wow.

Thanks! problem solved. All my plus 1's belong to you (only IF I could give them... heh heh I'm evil.)
09-27-2008 at 07:01 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
I apologize...
I should have waited and deferred to the Smitemasters.
I guess that Downloads link (at the top of the forum) confuses me a bit; although I've recently purchased Tendry's Tale for the Mac, I still do not see any link for the full version of the game. Will it appear eventually? :huh

[Last edited by Lamkin at 09-27-2008 07:22 AM]
09-27-2008 at 07:14 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
Lamkin wrote:
I guess that Downloads link (at the top of the forum) confuses me a bit; although I've recently purchased Tendry's Tale for the Mac, I still do not see any link for the full version of the game. Will it appear eventually? :huh
Strange... I got DRPG:TT as an 8-timer prize, and all three versions are there. You did register the purchase, didn't you?

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by eb0ny at 09-27-2008 07:28 AM]
09-27-2008 at 07:27 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
eb0ny wrote:
You did register the purchase, didn't you?

:blush Of course I did! :whistle

(Oops! It's up there now. Thanks, eb0ny.)

[Last edited by Lamkin at 09-27-2008 07:50 AM]
09-27-2008 at 07:35 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
I'm in a similar situation with both JtRH and TCB, except that I apparently never recieved information about how to register my purchases, and thus never registered them (I do have a bunch of Smitemaster's Selections attached to my account, but I think I ordered them more directly). I still have access to all of the relevent emails that were sent to me, is there anything that I might have missed?

Edit: Heh, I was looking over my previous posts and it looks like I already asked that and recieved a response right before I stopped posting. I'll go ahead and try emailing support again. Anything in particular that they'll need to know, besides my forum account?

[Last edited by Jothki at 11-20-2008 06:44 AM]
11-20-2008 at 06:30 AM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
Your email address that you used to buy the products is usually all we need.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
11-21-2008 at 12:45 PM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
Yeah, I still have my problem with the fact that my dad bought two copies of TCB and TT, and I never got a chance to have the game activated for my account. With JTRH, it isn't a problem, because he forwarded the activation info to me. So, um, is there any chance of me getting a link so I can activate the games for me? -_-


[Last edited by Monkey at 11-21-2008 09:21 PM]
11-21-2008 at 09:17 PM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
Monkey wrote:
Yeah, I still have my problem with the fact that my dad bought two copies of TCB and TT, and I never got a chance to have the game activated for my account. With JTRH, it isn't a problem, because he forwarded the activation info to me. So, um, is there any chance of me getting a link so I can activate the games for me? -_-

Of course, just email us the email address used to buy the game and I can look up links for you.
11-21-2008 at 09:28 PM
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (0)  
How long does it take for a reply to be sent for a support request? I sent a message requesting a resend of the information on Friday afternoon, and still haven't heard back. I'd assume you have a backlog and it's the weekend and all, but I think I never actually ended up hearing back from you when I tried to get the links resent before.

Do you reply to every non-spam email?
11-24-2008 at 12:29 AM
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slimm tom
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icon Re: New computer, must I pay again for TCB? (+1)  
Yes we respond to every email. I'm sorry we haven't replied to yours yet, we're indeed having a backlog due to loads of people emailing for the 1.1 version. I do this in my free time and have personal things to take care of. Later today I'll work through the heap of support emails.
11-24-2008 at 07:44 AM
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