Hum, calm down you two.
Roach king, no need calling anybody a cheater because he used a wrap room. They're there, he can use it. Whether or not that person has previously completed the level (bandit1200 did), he is still playtesting your hold. When you release the final version of your hold, the one that matters, you can wall off the warp room and people will play the hold the way you intended.
Bandit1200, you should actually checked the new version and play it through from the beginning. Your comments are a bit misdirected as Roach king took our comments into account and replaced all the tedious room. There are no more room that take the mickey anymore (well, at least not intentionnally anyway).
Roach king, I am really pleased with the changes you've made. What was, in my opinion, an easy but boring and sometimes tedious hold has now become good and challenging. Too challenging maybe, as I can't see how to complete
Yum 1N5E. Are you sure it is possible ?
There are still a few problems:
It's not possible to come out of
Yum 3W. You need to move the exit one square east.
Ok 2N1E has a solution that I don't think you intended:
Click here to view the secret text
×Go straight for one of the mimic potion and put the mimic in between the yellow doors next to the tar mother. Then make your way through the tar to the bottom right orb and toggle it. It's now possible to kill the tar mother with the mimic, all the tar babies that have spawn and lure the snakes to their death.
Click here to view the secret text
×I assume it is on purpose that it is not possible to drop the red door in The mad house, the entrance.
There is no way to leave
The last level 1N2W as you can't collapse the red door in 1N1W. Maybe the orb to open the door below the tar is missing ?
Similarly, there is also no way to leave 1N3W due to the red door in 1N2W. Note that I haven't even try to complete that room as you say it's impossible.
I think there were a few more things but that's all I can remember. More checkpoints would be welcome though.
The last level, 4N3W could do with one at the bottom near the tar, for example.
I haven't been able to complete the hold due to the problem on the last level but I have to say that i like it.