Okay, here are some more thoughts.
So the splatter of the green guys is what creates the new spawns. Check. However, often times I find the splatter being shot right behind me, and then the newly spawned reds have their new random direction pointed straight at me. It's not the most common thing in the world, but it happens enough to be incredibly frustrating. I think it would be more intuitive if the spawns began with the direction that their splatter was going.
On the topic of random directions, I'm not very fond of roaches entering the arena pointed in one direction, and then rocketing off in another direction once they get started. Perhaps the randon direction can be determined before they enter so they're pointing the right way before they shoot off.
Also, I think I would prefer a little more standardization with regard to the mothingness. As it stands, it seems to shoot two buttlets in random directions in random intervals. I think either the interval or the direction should be predetermined, but not both random.
I'm wondering about how this game performs on different machines. I only think this because if you say you can consistently get to level 7 and I can only consistently get to level 4 (despite being an experienced DRODer from the start of this project), there might be speed differences going on here. If possible this would be worth looking at.
I find myself enjoying directions mode more and more. It's a natural style of movement. However, there are some tricky issues involved with this movement. If, for example, you point directly north and then press down (which is an extreme turning case in regards to determining direction of rotation), you will always turn clockwise. Maybe instead of just defaulting to clockwise, you could rotate back in the direction the player came from. For example, if the player reached the north point by traveling clockwise, pressing down would rotate the player counterclockwise. Additionally, points for NW, NE, SW, and SE would be useful for when the player is pressing two keys at once. It would complicate this movement for sure, but I think it might improve it quite a bit. Something to try out, at least.
And I want to see this new feature, darn it!