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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Written commands (Slight spinoff of notepad thread)
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The spitemaster
Level: Smiter
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Registered: 06-09-2005
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icon Written commands (0)  
I would like the player to be able to write to communicate with the other people in DROD. So, instead of a multiple choice list that is prompted I would like to add the ability to write what he would like to happen. And I want it to be flexable if at all possible.

For example, instead of writing something that sets of a set of commands (Although I would like that too) , I would like the player to say something that could be interpreted as scripting.
Ex. Player shouts to his ally the stalwart, "Move (2,-5)" And the stalwart moves like that.

Last night upon a stair
I met a man that wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would stay away
07-19-2008 at 03:13 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3516
Registered: 08-07-2005
IP: Logged
icon Re: Written commands (0)  
The spitemaster wrote:
I would like the player to be able to write to communicate with the other people in DROD.
Well, we already have the CaravelNet chat...

So, instead of a multiple choice list that is prompted I would like to add the ability to write what he would like to happen. And I want it to be flexable if at all possible.
Wait, that sounds more like you want a Z-machine interpreter in DROD...

For example, instead of writing something that sets of a set of commands (Although I would like that too) , I would like the player to say something that could be interpreted as scripting.
Ex. Player shouts to his ally the stalwart, "Move (2,-5)" And the stalwart moves like that.
Oops, so you actually meant a script command line...

But seriously - I really, really, really doubt anything like that is going to happen... it's just too complicated and distracts from the game.

Not to mention that lots of people playing DROD haven't built a hold and written an NPC script in their whole career, nor do they intend to - not everyone's a programmer, contrary to what RAD-enthusiasts are seemingly bent on making everyone think.

np: The Cinematic Orchestra - Man With The Movie Camera (Live At The Royal Albert Hall)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
07-19-2008 at 12:51 PM
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