For the question, "
Should I submit my hold if it doesn't meet all requirements?"
the answer is "
As long as the hold makes an attempt to meet some of the requirements, I'll accept it as an entry.
Keep in mind that the first standard voters will be asked to judge on is how well the requirements have been met. It seems possible to me that a person might meet 8 or 9 requirements, and because they've satisfied requirements in a particularly clever way, voters might favor that hold over a second hold that met all 10 requirements. Or another entrant who thought he had completely met all 10 requirements, might have his work questioned during Caucus, such that the general feeling was that he hadn't met requirements well. So as far as entering a competitive hold, I think you have a chance as long as you meet most of the requirements.
And then there are other reasons to enter your hold other than a chance to win. It's good to share your work with other people, and you will (probably) enjoy hearing what people think about it. So even if you don't think you'll win, it's fun to participate.
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