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icon The Twin Kingdoms of Oyst (0)  
An interesting map sent to me by Trick (Gerry). He hadn't gotten any text information onto the map yet, and it covered just one area of the map, so I decided not to enter it. However, the description he provided in e-mail was imaginitive and worth sharing, plus you might admire the intricate coastlines he came up with.

Trick wrote:
To: Erik Hermansen <>
Subject: The Twin Kingdoms of Oyst

Ehm... yeah.

This is not a map of the whole of the Eighth, it's just a single island, possibly located somewhere in the (colder) middle of the Eighth. It's nowhere near finished, so I submit this mostly as an idea -- the island and its shape is pure improvisation, and the most important parts of it (like names and locations) are missing. Since you complained about the lack of submissions, here it is anyway.

Note that I'm *not* planning on winning this contest (even if this was a valid entry, which I somewhat doubt). IMHO, the contest should be for non-team-members

The island (like the kingdom(s) on it) is called Oyst. This name has no meaning whatsoever, but has a short history: I thought of easter island (which has nothing to do with this at all), and thought that sounded a bit like oyster island. That didn't sound very Eighthish, though, so I stripped the 'er' from the end. Oyst. I also made up a little (hi)story about the place, just for fun.

The blue areas are sea and water, the grey areas the lowlands, and the white areas the highlands. There's a bridge connecting the two highlands (not visible on the map). Each highland was originally its own kingdom, but the south one (to the left on the map) lost its castle to the sea one dark day after the King got a bit too enthustiastic about ordering still deeper dungeons to be built. The King, his personal Architect (and the Architect's dog), the King's whole family and heirs, and everyone else in the castle at the time, perished in the disaster. After several minutes without rule, the North King took control of the Southlands, and since then the kingdoms has been ruled as one. The two kingdoms originally had names of their own, but these names are lost in time. These days they are called "the Twin Kingdoms of Oyst", or simply "the Kingdom", "Oyst", or (usually) "here". The highlands are mostly self-sufficient, but there's little luxury to be had for most people (except the King, of course)

The lowlands ("there") contains, in addition to wraithwings, unspeakable evils (possibly mothingness). The area between the highlands are in eternal darkness, as the highlands shadow the sun. From time to time, people venture into the lowlands, but never return, and whether this is because people are killed (or worse!) or because they find better places to live are heatedly
discussed at regular invervals. People believing the latter tend to go to check out for themselves, and never return, which suits the others just fine.

There's more, but I'll stop now. =)

[Edited by ErikH2000 on 01-23-2004 at 06:35 PM GMT: Added attachment.]

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01-23-2004 at 06:35 PM
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icon Re: The Twin Kingdoms of Oyst (0)  
It's a bit late to put it in the vote...
01-23-2004 at 09:30 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Re: The Twin Kingdoms of Oyst (0)  
sims5000 wrote:
It's a bit late to put it in the vote...
Agreed. It's posted here for its own inherent coolness. You could talk about it if you wanted.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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01-23-2004 at 09:35 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: The Twin Kingdoms of Oyst (0)  
Well, I, for one, will talk about it. That's a tremendous amount of detail, though I guess it should be expected on a canvas four times as big as my maximum screen resolution. I think it's really cool of Trick to spend the time to put this together, as I often find there is not enough detail put in to many things I look at or read. It's refreshing to see a single item designed so completely... except for placenames.

Why do I have the urge to shrink the image to avatar size and turn the water in to transparency?

Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
02-15-2004 at 07:55 PM
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