Level: Master Delver

Rank Points: 165
Registered: 07-10-2006
IP: Logged
Re: Adventures of Bass. (0)
Well, played through this hold, and I have a few things to say.
You're rooms aren't really puzzles, and a really just killing roaches without much thought.
The last room with the roach queens needs a end scripting thing. (Sorry can't remember what it's called.)
The Megaman picture in your avatar is almost certainly copyrighted, and needs to be taken out.
Don't put the credits right in the middle of the hold, put it in like, a secret room somewhere or put it at the very beggining, or very end. It was quite odd to finish a room, go through credits, and then go right through to another room.
All in all, it was an easy hack and slash hold with a few bugs.
Also, how long are you expecting this hold to be, and is this your first hold?
Jesus is Lord and Messiah!
[Last edited by golfrman at 12-21-2007 05:41 PM]