Well, I've been allowed into Puzzle Pirates, so let me review.
It's first and foremost an MMORPG, so those who don't have the time or the inclination to socialise and get caught up in these games should steer clear. Also, those on dial-up should be prepared for a hefty initial download. It runs on Java though, so it's all good.
Instead of using stats to determine winners of fights, they use puzzles. Each player is usually on a ship, with a role given to them by their captain - sailing makes the boat go faster or allow more moves when boarding, carpentry fixes damage, and bilging drains water taken on from damage. Ships can board each other for pieces o' eight, which then get paid to you so you can buy new clothes and the like.
The captain usually boards, so new players rarely need to worry. It's when the looting begins that everyone needs to be on the ball - it's a multi-player version of Columns, really, except you have special trigger tiles that clear the others. You can decide what enemy will take your garbage tiles, and the dumping is still good fun. Any damage your ship has taken is represented by garbage tiles, and you can form mighty combos by making distinct blocks then activating then, causing large unclearable blocks to rain down upon the enemy.
The biggest draw, though, is the socialisation, and you really need to join a crew for this - you can get some practice on navy vessels, but it gets boring fast. As I've said, it's an MMORPG, so you really need to join other people for it to be a kick. The atmosphere's infectious, and most everyone tlks with a pirate accent.
Anyway, it's good fun, and it may be worth a look for those that swing that way.
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