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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen
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icon "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Would be great if the "Change Location" screen could link directly to the "Restore Game" screen with the purpose of viewing a demo.

Here are a couple of examples where it would be very useful:
* if I'm playing a given hold and reading H&S about a room in another hold
* if I'm playing a given hold and the ingame discussion is about a room in another hold

Currently, I have to drop to the main menu, go to "Change Location", pick the new hold, hit OK, hit restore, pick the level + room, and hit F6 (which is a great shortcut by the way - only realised this a few months ago and should probably have a visible "View Demos" button too).
You would then need to drop back to the menu, hit "Change Location", remember which hold you were playing, select it, hit OK, and then "Continue Playing Game".

My request would allow the following steps:
Drop to the main menu, go to "Change Location", pick the new hold, hit the new "View" button, select level + room, hit F6, then press Cancel twice and straight back into the fray.

No need to actually change location, and no need to remember anything :)

Hope that makes sense to those who are always helping out on H&S.
09-18-2007 at 04:35 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Syntax wrote:
Drop to the main menu, go to "Change Location", pick the new hold, hit the new "View" button, select level + room, hit F6 the new "Demos" button, then press Cancel twice and straight back into the fray.
Fixed that for you. That omission is my pet peeve since 1985*, so why not go all the way with it while we're at it?

I simply friggin' hate having to switch between mouse and keyboard while navigating menus...

* give or take a decade or two

np: Luke Vibert - Brain Rave (Chicago, Detroit, Redruth)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(

[Last edited by Briareos at 09-18-2007 04:49 PM]
09-18-2007 at 04:48 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
I thought this was the case too, until recently...

If you're playing hold X, Change Location to hold Y, Restore, Select a room, F6, Watch and/or download demos, close the game, re-open the game, and select "Continue Playing Game", you are still where you left off in hold X. So there's no need to remember anything (as long as you don't mind closing and re-opening DROD...) :).

Edit: Okay, perhaps I'm going crazy... I just tried it, and it didn't seem to work - but I'm sure it did before!


[Last edited by Kevin_P86 at 09-18-2007 05:44 PM]
09-18-2007 at 05:37 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Kevin_P86 wrote:
I thought this was the case too, until recently...

If you're playing hold X, Change Location to hold Y, Restore, Select a room, F6, Watch and/or download demos, close the game, re-open the game, and select "Continue Playing Game", you are still where you left off in hold X. So there's no need to remember anything (as long as you don't mind closing and re-opening DROD...) :).
:? That's not the case. As soon as you Change Location, hitting "Continue Playing Game" takes you to that hold... at least with 3.1


Post/Edit clash with Kevin_P86 :)

[Last edited by Syntax at 09-18-2007 05:46 PM]
09-18-2007 at 05:43 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Briareos wrote:
Fixed that for you. That omission is my pet peeve since 1985*, so why not go all the way with it while we're at it?

I simply friggin' hate having to switch between mouse and keyboard while navigating menus...
I did mention a "View Demos" button should be there too...
09-18-2007 at 05:45 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Syntax wrote:
Briareos wrote:
Fixed that for you. That omission is my pet peeve since 1985*, so why not go all the way with it while we're at it?

I simply friggin' hate having to switch between mouse and keyboard while navigating menus...
I did mention a "View Demos" button should be there too...
Hey, don't expect us UI zealots to read the whole post, much less expect anything in particular from us...

*shakes window violently until the controls fall out*

np: Luke Vibert - Rotting Flesh Bags (Chicago, Detroit, Redruth)

"I'm not anti-anything, I'm anti-everything, it fits better." - Sole
R.I.P. Robert Feldhoff (1962-2009) :(
09-18-2007 at 07:05 PM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (0)  
Kevin_P86 wrote:
I thought this was the case too, until recently...

If you're playing hold X, Change Location to hold Y, Restore, Select a room, F6, Watch and/or download demos, close the game, re-open the game, and select "Continue Playing Game", you are still where you left off in hold X. So there's no need to remember anything (as long as you don't mind closing and re-opening DROD...) :).

Edit: Okay, perhaps I'm going crazy... I just tried it, and it didn't seem to work - but I'm sure it did before!
I knew I wasn't going crazy! Playing in 3.0.0, I went to "Change Location", and changed to Lunchbreak Special. I hit "Restore", downloaded and watched Rabscuttle's demo for everyone's favourite checkpoint-free Inside the Dungeon : 3S5W. I exited the game (by hitting Escape from the main menu, skipping the "How come you aren't playing any more?" screen, in case that matters). Upon playing again today, "Continue Playing Game" did not take me to Lunchbreak Special, but instead to the other hold I was playing (calamarin's Beta Hold, in case that matters).

09-25-2007 at 07:25 AM
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icon Re: "Change Location" screen link to "Restore Game" screen (+1)  
That's explainable. If all you did was watch a demo, then DROD wouldn't have seen the need to record any data. Therefore, it would've left the data alone, saying that you were still in Inside the Dungeon: 3S5W. Had you so much as made a move, DROD would've saved the data.
09-25-2007 at 03:08 PM
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