Radiant! wrote:
Thank you. I think I'd like to change the forum subtext into a list of the games, as soon as there are more games there than SubTerra. Can I just PM either of you for such changes?
(I believe I'm a mod in that forum? Does that entitle me to change the forum desc?)
I'll take care of it if you want to PM me your new text, Radiant (when it is available, although if it is the first week of July I will be on vacation and will be slow to answer, although I still plan on checking the boards at least every few days).
Being a moderator lets you lock, sticky, edit, and move posts, it doesn't let you do the admin things like changing entire boards or banning users. If you ever needed to ban a user you'd probably be best posting about it in the Moderators private board that you have access to and let an admin know.
He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an
unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder."
-- Tad Williams
[Last edited by Oneiromancer at 06-22-2007 12:26 AM]