Here's my go at a Board Game.
I tried to keep it simple. It's a 2 player game.
There are 2 teams : Exterminators - Critters
And 3 zones : Black - Blue - Red
Red = Exterminators Zone
Black = Critters Zone
Also 2 types of special cells :
D cell = Can be used only one time per team. When a Critter/Exterminator is on this cell, he will select another Critter/Exterminator and remove it from the game.
T cell = Continuous use. If an Exterminator/Critter step on these, they will change their movement type : from diagonal to orizzontal/vertical and viceversa.
The Exterminators/Critter will move like in the Checkers game, except that they can move back without reaching the other side. To kill a opposite team member, just step on it, like in DROD. Also,
a Exterminator or a Critter, can jump over a member of the same team, only one time per turn.
The goal is to reach the opposite side.
The priority of the movement is decided by a dice roll at the start.
Anyway, for the card game "
where position matters"
, I could do the graphics, if the templates I posted aren't good.
[Last edited by vittro at 06-04-2007 10:55 PM]