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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Demo autosave and Wallmine (Two feature requests for the price of one!)
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Level: Master Delver
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icon Demo autosave and Wallmine (+1)  
First a simple utility request. I know this has been posted before, but I want to mention it again as I belive it would be very useful with no drawbacks. I want an Automatically save best demo option in the settings.

If no previous autosave demo (i.e. one recorded by this feature) exists for a room, then one will be created when the room is conquered. If a previous autosave does exist, then a new one will only be created if the room is conquered in fewer turns than it was in the old autosave. In that case, the old one will automatically be deleted. Of course, there would also have to be a make copy of autosave option in the demo viewing screen in case the player wants to keep the autosave demo even if he does improve on it later on.

Now then, let's move on to the new idea that is actually new. A wallmine is a stationary object located on a pit or water square. Or it is a special kind of pit/water square, whichever sounds more convenient. When a platform moves onto the mine, the tile in question will turn into a wall. Any creature that is on a wallmine when it is activated is instantly killed, so hitting it with a single square platform is always fatal. The square of the platform that hit the mine will also be gone, but the rest of it can still move on (assuming it hasn't become stuck, of course). Various interactions between the mine and wraithwings/briars/bombs/whatever could be possible, but I think it would actually be best not to let anything except platforms affect the wallmine.

Possible puzzles using this feature include:
-Navigating platforms through a minefield without getting stuck or losing too much of the platforms.
-Creating a wall to block a briar or kill a wraithwing in the open or intercept the line of sight of an evil eye or aumtlich.
-Reshaping a platform or even cutting it in half to create two smaller ones.
04-17-2007 at 11:56 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-12-2006
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icon Re: Demo autosave and Wallmine (0)  
Mikko wrote:
Possible puzzles using this feature include:
-Navigating platforms through a minefield without getting stuck or losing too much of the platforms.
Sounds awfully tedious, but I might be wrong
-Creating a wall to block a briar or kill a wraithwing in the open or intercept the line of sight of an evil eye or aumtlich.
:huh. I don't understand this one at all.
-Reshaping a platform or even cutting it in half to create two smaller ones.
Yeah, this one could be interesting, although it's similar to the first point.

I think a better name for this would be stalagmites. Fits better with the cannon.
04-17-2007 at 12:50 PM
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Level: Master Delver
Rank Points: 276
Registered: 02-04-2003
IP: Logged
icon Re: Demo autosave and Wallmine (+1)  
NiroZ wrote:
Mikko wrote:
Possible puzzles using this feature include:
-Navigating platforms through a minefield without getting stuck or losing too much of the platforms.
Sounds awfully tedious, but I might be wrong
It certainly will be if used too often, but I think a good architect would be able to make some interesting rooms. Then again, I enjoy solving mazes, so I'm perhaps not the best person to judge...
-Creating a wall to block a briar or kill a wraithwing in the open or intercept the line of sight of an evil eye or aumtlich.
:huh. I don't understand this one at all.
Triggering a mine creates a wall square. Walls are one of the few things that stop growing briars. It would have to be done on water and there has to be plenty of mines to create enough walls to stop the briar completely, though, so this might not be all that elegant.

By creating a wall in the middle of a pit or water, you get an obstacle that you can kill a wraithwing against. Evil eyes and aumtlich cannot see through walls, so triggering a mine allows the player to sneak by on the other side without beeing seen.

Of course, these are just the things that occured to me. It's hard to see what the potential is for any element when it only exists in your mind.
I think a better name for this would be stalagmites. Fits better with the cannon.
A stalagmite cannon would be cool. :P I don't think the name matters at this point, as Caravel tend to rename pretty much everything they use anyway.
04-18-2007 at 09:07 AM
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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Demo autosave and Wallmine (Two feature requests for the price of one!)
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