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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Tornado
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Level: Master Delver
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icon Tornado (0)  
I think a room with a mini tornado that you have to avoid or it will pick you up like Dorathy in the Wizard of Oz and drop you back in another room would be alot of fun.

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09-02-2003 at 04:39 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Tornado (0)  
Fun, perhaps, but even this needs to be thought about.

1) Would it effect monsters in any way?
2) Can it go through tar, or the body/tail of a snake?
3) Would it be 1X1 in size?
4) Would the room it set you down in be completed, or would it revert to its original state?
5) Would it disappear after the room is completed?
5a) If not, there would probably need to be a "wind tunnel" or something that would keep the tornado from moving.
6) How fast is it?

I think that'll satisfy me with this one.

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09-02-2003 at 04:47 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Tornado (0)  
Having lots of expereince in consoles, there's a suitable idea in the Zelda series - the Wallmaster, which is similar, but not the same.

However, rather than wandering around the room, it hovers above Link, its shadow slowly growing until it comes down upon him, then returns him to the start of the dungeon or wherever.

Sorry for that.

Some thoughts:

The tornado would possibly be on the elements layer. So it wouldn't be able to go through tar, but would be able to go through monsters. It also wouldn't go through potions, scrolls or force arrows. Unless you can put potions on force arrows, I haven't really tried it.

I'd go the same size and speed as Beethro. I'd also go that it doesn't count as a monster, so rooms can be cleared with it still whirling about. It would circle around Beethro clockwise unless it hit something, in which case it would move directly towards him. If it gets caught so it can't move, it fades, then reappears next spawn at its starting location.

It would dump you back in the previous room, just to make things easy. Almost like accidently hitting 'r'.


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09-10-2003 at 02:05 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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Registered: 03-29-2003
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icon Re: Tornado (0)  
I think the thing that makes the most sense would be for the tornado, which has the same speed as Beethro, moves along a set path. When it runs into Beethro, it carries him along with it, spinning all the while. There could be several ways for Beethro to escape: after a certain number of moves (5 or 30, to conform with other time scales), if the tornado passes through a force arrow pointing in such a direction that Beethro can't pass through it (assuming that force arrows only affect living matter--I can't remember what I decided for my poisonous gas idea), or if it passes through a new item, a grate in the wall (or a portcullis, perhaps). Beethro's spinning includes the sword, of course, so that monsters can be killed and orbs can be struck. Beethro can be carried above pits in this fashion, and trapdoors or pressure plates would not be activated.

Well, those are my thoughts.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-10-2003 at 02:20 AM
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