Scott wrote:
I have been hardly able to do any rooms but was looking around with edit mode and I found 2 rooms that appear to be flawed in design. These are lvl 2 2S2W and 2S3W.
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×Both of these rooms can be done with a single mimic placed on the orb that opens the yellow door to the roaches unless this is what you intended and the other bit is just a red herring.
Ah, you're right. I'll have to fix that. If you're doing those rooms, you just shouldn't do that. Yes...
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×There are a few rooms in level three that require the manipulation of snakes in a fairly precise manner, and people keep commenting on how difficult it is to control their behavior. I did realize this when I was trying to solve the rooms myself. But, it does become easier if you remember the following: At any given time, the snake prefers either vertical or horizontal movement, which switches every five turns (it begins horizontal). So, since you've got an invisibility potion to work with, you can usually just wait around until you've got the exact preference you want. I figure if the threat clock gets put in, this will become a lot easier, because then it will tell you which five-turn segment you're in immediately.
Many of the rooms I've made won't work if movement behavior changes, but I figure that since we haven't gotten an official release anyway, I'm not obligated to try to make it work in any situation.
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×On level 3, 1N and 1N1W I just threw in because I wanted to fill those rooms with something. Besides the tar mothers in the rooms, they don't really fit in with the rest. I should also say that I don't really like level 2 2W, so that may disappear soon.
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×With regard to hidden rooms, I usually hate them, because you're never looking for them. But I put that one in on level 3 because, first, I was giving editing rights anyway so it's not like it would be a secret, and also because it was placed in a very logical place, to fill out the 3x4 rectangle of rooms. Otherwise, though, I wouldn't have made it a secret.
Well, I'm gonna go fix level 2, so I'll be back in a bit.
[Edited by bibelot on 09-02-2003 at 05:48 PM GMT: grammar]