Level: Smitemaster

Rank Points: 535
Registered: 06-28-2005
IP: Logged
Re: Red Lightning (+1)
Ok, so I've officially completed what's there (and found the secret). Nothing overly challenging, but everything was fairly interesting.
One request: White Lightning : 1S1W really needs a checkpoint after the eyes (for example, on the green door).
Also, is the 2nd level supposed to be named "Clam before the storm", rather than "Calm"? Considering the scroll in White Lighting : The Entrance says "Calm", I assume that's what it's supposed to be.
The most challenging was probably the last one (Trapdoor Challenge #33 (and for those reading, no, there are not currently 33 trapdoor challenges), although once I got past the first part I completed it on my first try.