bibelot wrote:
I completed the last room of the Bride of the Arena, so it is possible. Now to tackle 64 of the little buggers...
Wow, I was afraid it wasn't possible (hence the early exit). I keep trying to solve that room but my normal mode of attack doesn't seem to work in this room. You wouldn't have a demo you could upload by any chance would you?
StuartK wrote:
2E. Click here to view the secret text
×Through incredibly bad timing, I made this significantly harder for myself than I need have. I didn't trap the roach queens, and thus throughout the room I was being attacked from both sides (instead of things getting easier as I went) Quite fun that way, having to figure out when to retreat, and when to press on.
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×That was what I intended for this room. I was a bit disappointed when I discovered the queens could neutralized like that (it can't be done in the previous room) but I left it as is for the player to discover or not.
1S Click here to view the secret text
×could do with another checkpoint at the bottom right. It's only towards the end of the spiral that the err... eyeball avalanche slows down. Fun idea for a room
I thought a couple of times that I should move that checkpoint, but somehow I never got around to it.
And I can recall our caravel: a little wicker beetle shell with four fine maste and lateen sails,
its bearings on Cair Paravel. O my love, O it was a funny little thing to be the ones to've seen.
-Joanna Newsom "
Bridges and Balloons"