eytanz wrote:
But that has nothing to do with the low score that prompted Blondbeard's post, which is the one I've been defending for the past two days. The other one - unless truly coincidental - is not legitimate by any means.
I just want to say I'm sorry here. Tim has explained to me that the word unfair is considered to be quite offensive. I wasn't aware of that. In swedish it isn't offensive at all. I might use the word when I have done a minor error at an exam and get something like 1 point out of 5. Then I can tell my techer: "
I think this is unfair!"
. Maybe he agrees, maybe he don't, but nobody is offended.
What I said was: "
Huh? Did someone just give the hold a 4 for funraiting? That seems very low . Maybe you could send me or Rheb a PM saying what you found so terrible about this hold."
And what I meant was this : "
Could you please tell me or Rheb what you didn't like about the hold, because I can't really understand why anyone would think that this hold deserves a 4. (I think that is very low)."
Tim also said that he found it bad that I posted this since I'm Rhebīs brother, and thus maybe not so objective. I can however promise that I really have tried to be objective.
Well... The point is that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone with this post. When it seemed as if someone gave the hold a 2 in response to my post I got a bit mad.